Anyone Want to Give Up YouTube for 40 Days?

I had to change things up myself. I watch financial video’s, psychology, preachers, spiritual teachings/philosophy, and Darknet

After doing that for a few months I’ll watch an OT video to learn something or some random gear vid for fun occasionally. But I’ve gotten over the gear, gas phase to just working on either gaining more understanding of incorporating features of the OT or just finishing a project.

Been organizing my schedule, planning, prioritization and fitness. Took months, but the good thing about youtube is it offers a lot of content that you can basically reprogram your subconscious by taking in more focused educational stuff. It’s a double edged sword but best wishes on your reprioritizing.


Don’t wanna give it up but certainly need to curtail my addiction of the fruit machine that is YT. But most of all I’d like to be able to use a few keywords that stop certain videos popping up in my feed, stuff that instantly angers me;

  1. underrated!

  2. masterpiece!

  3. game-changer!

  4. iconic!

  5. best…ever?

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Day One was odd. Definitely felt twitchy, as in my hand would reach for my pocket to stick a video on, then I’d feel a rush of guilt and I’d stop myself. Thing is though, I forgot how addicted I am to Elektronauts, as I go on that instead. Or do the rounds on Facebook (which sucks), Instagram (which sucks) and Reddit (which is awesome but in tiny doses).


Same here!

Interesting article/research on related topic:


Damn I failed on day one, casually clicked on a Massive Attack track that was displayed on “Now listening” thread. I’m resetting the clock.


Wow, I feel silly. I’ve been using Brave for years and I never noticed it also blocks the in-video ads! All I have to change is start watching YouTube in the mobile browser instead of the app. I had been experiencing ad-free YT on the computer all along… This is probably a sign I don’t watch it enough to merit needing a break.

I’m definitely not renewing Premium when the trial runs out!

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Great job to everyone who is in for this and sticking to it! I am currently at 2 and a half months or so of avoiding mindless smartphone browsing and it’s done me a lot of good.


i’ll give up alcohol for lent but still have wine with dinner

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I’ve been a Premium family subscriber for over a year now. It’s worth the money for me. I setup a Family group so that my partner and parents can also use the service. It’s an extra few bucks for the family plan but it’s well worth it. You can have up to 6 people total on it. YouTube Music has an insanely huge catalogue. I also listen to a lot of educational videos while driving as you can not only download videos, you can listen to them with the screen off.

It’s a helluva lot more than just ad-free YouTube.

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honesty is an admirable quality

I’d like to see people give up instagram. let’s see that list.


There are various ways to avoid been bombed with YouTube adv.

  • On computer: Install an adblock
  • On devices: don’t use YT app: use any browser with adblock
  • On Android: use an app called “Youtube Vanced” to have ad free and video in background features

That I can do easy. I don’t think I’ve opened it for 3 weeks now. Maybe longer?

YT I can’t do. No addiction but I love it for the random, how do you do this, or is this a thing searches. Plus there’s cat TV with 8 hours of birds flying when sometimes necessary.

Still I’m curious to see how others do with this.


Screen off you mean? I would love that, since i already only listen to YouTube while doing chores etc, my phone battery would appreciate the break, and so would my ridiculous energy bill :sweat_smile:

I am streamlined. elektronauts is currently the only social media platform where I obstruct the flow of internet traffic.

I don’t have a youtube account and I don’t use it every day so since I don’t partake in it’s community, I find it hard to call it social media. For a long time before I made an account here I browsed posts looking for information (such as how I use youtube currently), at that time this wasn’t social media to me either and this type of thread was not one I would be looking at.

Clearly, however, things have changed. So I’ll call a duck a duck, my name is Micah and I, am an elektronaut.


Interesting Observation 36 Hours In: Been replacing Youtube with listening to music and realizing that Youtube has been directly cannibalizing my music listening which informs/inspires my music making.

More to come . . . !


Here and KVRaudio are it for me and social media interactivity. I never thought of YouTube as social media but I do have fun reading comments after basketball games. I don’t participate but I enjoy reading the raw emotion behind all the posts.

See this where a bit of FOMO kicks in because I’m wondering what would be like giving up YT that could give me that feeling.

I wouldn’t want to give up the community participation because it’s actually helping me get out of a rut that started this normally great February.

I’m sure there’s something equivalent and as beneficial. Time for some self-reflection.

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damn without YT that’s hard but feasible … one example is the new Roland synth/groovebox/whatever — it’s like hammering on my fingers whenever i’d like to watch a review but as @joeykaram statet, watching YT it is doing something

and the less I’m in contact with YT it seems it has a better effect on my mood, less distraction, more reading - overall a better feeling

and btw thank you for that awesome idea

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One week in the books! How’s everyone faring?

Would like to be a late joiner if you’ll have me

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