Anyone Want to Give Up YouTube for 40 Days?

Done and done!

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Thereā€™s no technical reason they canā€™t support that in the default YT app (bandcamp and other apps support it). Itā€™s just an intentionally crippled feature so they can charge extra for basic functionality. Screw 'em, Iā€™m not paying, Iā€™d rather go cold turkey.

Itā€™s hard though - so many tunes posted on here as embedded YT vids. And I bought a 2nd hand tr-06 last week and am having to learn it from the laughable ā€œmanualā€ that comes with it (as bad as all roland boutiques) or by actually playing it and learning how it works :scream_cat:

I fell off the wagon a couple of times, but Iā€™m trying to stick with it.

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Of course not. They do it for Premium subscribers so clearly it works on a technical level. :slight_smile:

Bandcamp is fundmentally a music sharing service. YouTube is fundamentally a video sharing service. One of these services is inherently used with the screen on ;).

For me, itā€™s a nice perk and certainly not the reason I sub. I got a free 3 month trial a couple of years ago and enjoyed the features and value enough to pay for it. I also donā€™t have cable TV (and havenā€™t for over 25 years). I donā€™t subscribe to any other services like Netflix, Disney+ etc.

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howā€™s it going joey? any symptoms of withdrawl or signs of relapse?

I think youtube has mutated beyond that description into something more like an infection sharing service. let it sit close to you and get oozed on, with an option for a monthly fee.


So far so good! No sins or relapse. That stated, the first 3-4 days were pretty tough, but have filled the void with listening to more music, podcasts, and reading, which is helping fuel creativity far more than YouTube (which was having a negative impact, actually). On that note, recently stumbled into Hideo Kojimaā€™s (Metal Gear/Death Stranding) podcast, which has been pretty amazing.

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what kind of books do you like? if you have time, you should check out The Power of One by Bryce Courtenay, itā€™s one of my favorite books of all time. Pretty long but itā€™s a quick read and very enjoyable, they made a terrible movie out of it in the 90ā€™s but the book is excellent.

Hope you can stick with it, Iā€™m impressed you all made the resolution and are going through with it. Itā€™s a real trial by fire. Unfortunately on the tail end of something you are forcibly limiting yourself on, sometimes you go back twice as hard at the end of it but at least itā€™s not like a opioid addiction or something really harmful to your physical health, at worst you just veg out and contribute to youtube ad revenues :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve failed so many times already.
Count me out, itā€™s too hard for me.

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said like a true adult.

I canā€™t even act my age, so I wouldnā€™t even try this masochism,

But I respect it.

looks like I donā€™t have a copy of the power of one, but hereā€™s a rather notorious book which is sure to take up more time than you (or anyone else who wants to read it) would think possible.

epdf.tips_infinite-jest-1.pdf (6.6 MB)

Arguably the late David Foster Wallace most famous work.

enjoy if you have time and patience!

You all are not missing anything!

We have a shared account on our main devices, and for the cats we have lots of ā€œCat TVā€ (8 hours of birds and squirrels eating).

The end result is a very confused algorithm and lots of nothing to see.

With this very thread in mind, I have noticed how often I open YouTube just to be entertained. This is a habit Iā€™m working on breaking.


Based on the new CEOā€™s history, I imagine thereā€™s going to be a lot of us participating in this soon. Iā€™m weening myself off ā€˜leave on in the backgroundā€™ youtube videos and am just using it for business/work right now.

BTW, if you ever wondered who actually spear-headed the ā€˜get rid of the thumbs downā€™ feature? It was the current CEO of Youtube who was behind it. YT is shady AFā€¦


All good - mad respect for giving it a go!


I have a paid YouTube subscription which I use for an online computer science course.

For what itā€™s worth, I donā€™t subscribe to any synth-related YouTube channels except for Bad Gear and Captain Pikant, and when one is randomly suggested, I immediately mark it donā€™t recommend or not interested. Doing so has made YouTube a much more enjoyable service. Productivity has soared!

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Iā€™d be willing to give that shit, YT, up for good!

FB, Instaā€¦any of that other garbage. Done!

Just Elekronauts for me.

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Self control. Pretty easy.

youā€™re talking about sub population that exists everywhere on the internet and in real life, in every sub genre of every hobby. Iā€™m not into showing off things that I own but I donā€™t want to condemn or alienate people who get some joy out of that type of thing. Itā€™s a capitalist society pretty much everywhere on the planet, itā€™s hard for people to not shake and bake from the day theyā€™re born.

but that said, this forum is great and also a vacuum for my creative energy to dissipate without anything productive happening to it. but generally the vibe here is people donā€™t fight and people donā€™t act more jerky than you find in the nicest parts of the rest of the internet so I think itā€™s cool and everyone is into EMM gear.


I already did this so I can at least comment on it with some confidence that I donā€™t miss that shit at all.

at. all.

but youtube? I donā€™t have an account. Iā€™ll watch it though to learn something or hear florian talk shit about roland.


Your mastery of self control is an inspiration to us all! :joy:

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Iā€™m only speaking for myself and what Iā€™ve observed in my own behavior.

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Ya I ditched that trash years ago. YouTube has gotten so shite, with ads within ads itā€™s almost pointless. And thereā€™s no way Iā€™m paying for it.