Anyone Want to Give Up YouTube for 40 Days?

why is it I can watch a memorial service for a fucking nun or some garbage like that and at when I pause it, it’s reccomending me some wack ass inappropriate SPONSORED content that is loosely related to something I watched once 3 years ago. that shits got to go. but I’m not like a daily “need my youtube fix” person so it’s easy for me to not get too serious about needing to stop using it.

but you take heroin away from a junkie it’s a big thing, so I’m not trying to belittle people who take it seriously. just doesn’t affect me in the same way.

4 hours… what the…

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Watch Epicly Latered…a Vice series on old skaters and where are they now.

Every 1:30min you get a 30sec ad for Sephora. Ya, they are advertising to the right demographic fuuuuu

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somebody needs to come up with a spoof site called futube dot com where all the videos are just ads and 2 seconds of content. It would probably be more watchable than youtube.

If I want to watch youtube I used this:

pick an instance and use the search engine like you would youtube - no ads, no tracking, no bs

…what’s utube…?

oh, that “little” broadcast app, where pretty much EVERTHING can be watched/consumed, where pretty much EVERYBODY can upload WHATEVER the heck he/she wants to gain some tracktion/attention with, to become his/her/their very own tv station…!?

apart from all big brother is watching u concerns, this remains quite a great idea, basically…
not to mention, how many people really make a living by just going ON AIR right there…

hmmmmm…personal abstinence trials are always a good thing…especially in modern times…
but the core concept behind broadcast urself is mindboggeling…one of the real utopian visions i could think of…while sure, all these comercial add thing IS annoying as F, but simply unavoidable in any business idea of modern capitalism…

but come to think of it, living daily “modern” life on a subscription doomed planet, we might need only THIS ONE subscription to cover pretty much everything…

i actually run a netflix premium, a spotify premium, even a disney premiium (my goodness) and what not…makes me thinking, i might better start to run one utube premium subscription once and for all to get rid of all the rest…

as long spotify and co still can’t switch their royalty models to user centrified paymodels, simply skipping all free artists to just pay those for “real” who are already enslaved to the “good” old ususal major suspects, utube seems a truu, at least half way “democratic” solution…since “they” actually can confirm and pay off every single click u made…spooky as F, sad as F, but also truu as F…

in the meantime and until the end of all days, everthing’s better than we chat tiktokking and wannabe we chat uberwoke meta…

I’m on track! It’s easier than expected, the only thing i miss are the music/synth-videos

but all the other loudmouths on YT, no single regret


Someone (earlier in this thread?) recommended using the Brave browser and deleting the YT app. I’ve done so for a few days now, it works wonderully. No commercials on YT.


I’ve used AdBlock for YT, no commercials at all

With Brave you will get some cryptos

…just did it…cancelled my disney subscription, got me yt premium instead…


I’m not a fan of ads (who is?), but I’m always a bit perplexed by complaints about them, especially when you can pay to remove them.

Running YouTube is a multi-million dollar endevour and there are creators that make a living producing content for the platform. If you don’t like ads then don’t use YouTube, or pay for the premium service that removes the ads. Using an adblock is a tacit admission that you value the content but think that you’re entitled to it for free.

Folks as ever want their cake and to be able to eat it too.

This is not a very punk comment


…haha…not punk at all, but never the less a valid point in the 21st century, at the dawn of the information age…

10 bux for that one and only global broadcast YOURSELF; EVERYBODY; EVERYTHING, EVERYWHWERE, ALL AT ONCE AND ALL TOGETHER network is nothing but a good deal…

Halfway Home - congrats, all!

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Are they all tuned to a different frequency, and have you sampled them?

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Some fuel to keep you going… Beatmaker has his video taken down for giving away 3 free beats…

10 days left! Been an overwhelming success here and looking forward to future behavioral changes going forward.

How’s everyone else doing?


I’m afraid you may be the lone survivor

  1. joeykaram
  2. @PofM
  3. @Claid
  4. @Habit_Reform
  5. @JamesM
  6. @circuitghost
  7. @Noisebuddy
  8. @Jedilicious
  9. @yokermoon


Anyone else make it?

Too tired to share thoughts tonight, but awesome experience and will write a debrief soon.

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go binge on polyend speculation and then throw up the poison, you’ll sleep great. congrats man, you’re the strongest man alive!

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When I saw this :thread:, my first thought was to just post no. Then I thought about it for a bit. I have halfarsed an attempt at no YT other than Karl Makes Beats. I can never remember that guy’s name but he’ll ruskie up some guys and get er dun farya.

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The best part about my courageous attempt, is that I actually read a ton of manuals and other music theory and mastering resources. Best Halfhearted Attempt award goes to…

Look down below. That’s a certified ju-ju hero if I ever seen’t one.