Arturia KeyStep 37

Personally I’d like a 49 key version, maybe even a 60, I like the keys & the space reduction on a desk compared to full sized controllers. Another 4 knobs would be good too as well as the USB port moved to the side. Korg make bigger octave boards with keys this size, but no aftertouch and no other features. One thing about the Keystep is that aftertouch is surprisingly really well implemented

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oh dayum… i hadn’t seen this Minilab product. 37 keys of this would be great.
It’s a bit bigger though with all the pads etc but maybe on 37 key more could be on a single row to keep a smaller foortprint like the Keystep 37.

Yep I’m with you on that one. If I got the Mk3 I don’t think I’d even use the pads for finger drumming, and I’d just use them as transports. With these controllers being great for beginners, all the manufacturers (save NI) like to put a bit of everything on their controllers, so I see why they’ve done it this way. But I think Arturia could stick to standard transport controls like the NI M32, which even now looks like a good buy. With Novation & Akai around with their notoriety in pads, you could build a pretty good setup with this mythical 37 key Minilab Pro plus a Novation/AKAI pad device to play on the strengths of each manufacturer. The issue right now is that you’d either have to lose an octave of the keys or the DAW transport controls, both of which might be important if you’re just fiddling around in Ableton. I guess that’s where Arturia would start to point you to their bigger keyboards, but that’s when I come back to my personal preference which is for mini keys.

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I like the idea of keeping things separate rather than all in one taking up precious space. It’s one of the things that’s great about the Keystep, the knobs don’t add to size & so are handy. I have a beatstep pro for Pads & endless knobs, which is stored away when not in use.

I’ve been wanting something with 16 potentiometer knobs that’s compact, whilst the midi fighter looks great its encoders. I got a good deal on an Akai Midimix which has more stuff than I need, but it’s a small footprint & I think should be fine with some taller replacement knobs. I have a few uses in mind for that including mapping performance controls on the Rytm, Drambo, S1 & mapping parameters on the MPC.

Having things in separate devices like this makes it much more space manageable & Modular. I’ve had a few 49/60 full size keyboards with the usual cocktail of pads, knobs & sliders & always found the placement of stuff to be awkward & the amount of desk space they take up is enormous.

I saw yesterday on Reddit Novation had a poll whether they should start making the launch control mini again, & that’s the kind of thing that I get excited about nowadays. Something inexpensive with a small footprint. If they were still making them that’s what I would have bought instead of the midimix.

The pots on the Keystep are really nice to use, if they made a 4 x 4 knob device using the exact same pots that would be ideal for me! If they also made an encoder version I’d have both.

Instead all we see are the same regurgitated knobs/slider/pads & keys, I don’t get it tbh, there’s so many on the market you’d think some of these companies would want to stand out of the crowd. I suppose Arturia controls are mostly based on controlling Analog Lab.

This is also a comment that makes me go back to another thread here where I mentioned that these mini starter keyboards are kinda neat for this. They compromise on space and features, but you’re spot on that a bunch of pads top left above a full-size keybed can be pretty difficult to use -where on something like a Launchkey, they’re a bit closer.

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Looking at one of these. I need a more immediate keyboard, especially for my modular. Do people still like theirs? I cant find any for sale used, so thats a good sign. Does anyone use it with a modular rig?

RTFM question: I actually took a precursory glance at the manual and didn’t see it mentioned, but can you edit the on-board scales? Say I wanted to make Major into Mixolydian? (Big ups to Arturia for choosing the Blues scale as one of the 3. )

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if you’re in the uk there’s one for sale here:


Thanks, but EU unfortunately :frowning:

You can edit a user scale, but not the “on-board” scales.

However, for modes, (please don’t take this the wrong way) I’d recommend learning the scale degrees and the related major scales. for example, to change a major scale into Mixolydian, you’re playing the major scale named for the major scale of the 4th note… F Mixolydian is Bb major starting on F, for example.

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Ty. Not a dealkiller.

Yeah I try (I know some) but

I feel that :wink:

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i like mine, but i also think its quite limiting for a controller.
if you plan on using it as a sequencer, id say check if you can find beatstep pro.
you lose the keybed but get a more well though out and smooth to operate device with way more connectivity and QOL.

if you already have a sequencer and just need a controller to feed notes into it, KS37 works fine.
velocity is not super on point but you can get used to it, aftertouch is non existant due to how its constructed, lights are too bright if you are in a cave and all lights blink on their own beat which is confusing. keybed itself is a bit loud but it can be remedied by non destructive modifications (put a bunch of felt inside and dampen springs)

p.s. you may ask me: why not keystep pro? i think its just a bulky and more expensive version of beatstep pro.

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Really ? … always thought I’d finish up with one of these because of positive things I’d heard about the aftertouch.

basically only a 1mm ridge of the edge of a key mold contacts the aftertouch strip, and not only that, but its also at an angle. if you want affordable aftertouch its either hydrasynth explorer or k-board or qunexus. even then its not very useful unless you like to sample your playing instead of sequencing.

I luckily have not encountered those concerns.

xidnpnlss it’s a pretty good product for the cost, feels good, decent build quality and support.

Yeah, I mean I don’t own the hydrasynth and while I appreciate the k-board and qunexus, I absolutely loathe the level of pressure required to trigger those keys.

Definitely talking tradeoffs here. Hydrasynth might be fun, but I do want something smaller and cheaper I can drag with me around the home.

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even after calibration? ive seen in the manual that you can calibrate each key individually to your liking.

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Thats it exactly. Have an OT…that’s no “keybed”. Have a 61-key Alpha Juno for real playing, but its a pain to setup to record MIDI.

Too much for what Im looking for. Maybe if Im really into (and get rid of the OT), Ill think about it.

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Hrm! I didn’t try that with the QuNexus, the expander juggling got to me first (still wish people got rid of USB minis, but that wasn’t a dealbreaker.)

I appreciated the tank-like build in general from KMI, but the key… grip affected my technique a bit.

I had the KSP and while I never got to A/B the two, I think the 37 does a lot well at a decent price point assuming a generalist will do.

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yeah… im excited for qunexus usb c edition :tongue:

anyway, KS37 fits your usecase @xidnpnlss, it will controll OT via midi and modular via cv. Not a perfect controller, but it works! arp and chord on it are sweet.

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Aftertouch works fine on mine.

Try in a store though to ease your worries. Or if you must buy online, make sure the store has a good return policy.


Oh hey, good on them for fixing that :smiley:

Yeah, admittedly I am aware that I need a little more pressure on key edge for full degree of aftertouch but I never expected the reactivity of a full fancy Fatar controller like my Digitone Keys.

The AT is a bonus for me, QuNexus was more flexible but maybe I’ll give it a shot again in the future if I do more travel bloopin’. I still wouldn’t replace the 37 with it.