Avalon Bassline...worth it?/ Opinion

I was all ready to push the buy button, but this website thing and thinking about the 6+ month wait is making me feel like my $300 TT-303 is good enough.


I had the Avalon and all the filters. It’s super cool and fun. That said, my tb-303 and Erica db-01 were enough for me that I wanted to save the money instead and I sold it. I’m loving the norand mono too and the sequencer is just killer.

The Avalon is really awesome. But it’s hard to know when you’ll get yours or if you’ll have support if anything happens with it. It’s just too risky, I got mine second hand before prices were truly bonkers.

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wrote a small ruby script to ping the server every 3 seconds to let me know when it’ll be up.

require 'net/http'
require 'launchy' # you need to gem install this one
url = URI.parse("https://abstraktinstruments.com/")
url.port = 80

loop do
  req = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port)
  res = req.request_head(url.path)
  if res.code == "200"
    puts "#{Time.now} #{res.code}"
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Poor DDOSsed host, poor poor shared hosting (not just from you) :stuck_out_tongue:

This is where I’m currently at…

Yeah, perhaps they changed hosts.

its a mess.

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The good thing is that I won’t have such a pricey preorder with so long of a wait, because it’ll be possibly into tomorrow by the time this is all wired-up :stuck_out_tongue:

Unless my fears come true and it sells out while I’m sleeping…

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Yeah, that’s what I expect in my case.

Wanting is not needing, free me of desire oh Wordpress/Woocommerce.

This is not helping it to come back up.

Initially I’d wondered if we were knocking it out, but the site is just not configured for whatever reason.

yeah, 3 seconds is nothing. thats not how DDoSing works. lol.

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Can’t blame persons being confused by the constant resource exhaustion messages their hosting seems to display in lieu of static pages :stuck_out_tongue:

I know. And the number of people interested is small enough that even if they all did this, it wouldn’t matter much. It was a shoestring installation. But it doesn’t have to be DDoS to be irritating to whoever is trying to fix it.

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why the site isn’t behind a reverse proxy with a static page when the app is down, is beyond me. lol.

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its a one man companies wordpress store

idk it was fine 5 mins before the order window opened, seems the most logical conclusion is it collapsed under the load however many people have been after an avalon clicking.

The shopping cart functionality is backed by a db and not a static html, every page request to store would put more load on the backend.

he should consider something like Squarespace.