Avalon Bassline...worth it?/ Opinion

Sure, it’s pretty easy. This is all subjective, but I prefer ‘Mode 1’ and specifically ‘LP’, so the thumbwheel will be completely rotated counter clockwise. From there, I’m just playing with the normal cutoff and resonance knobs on the front panel. I absolutely like adding a good bit of sub-osc (probably 40-50%) as that plays a big part in getting that low end which the SEM accentuates.

Reference from the website:


I would definitely experiment though and see what you like best. Hopefully that helps you!


Super ! Thanks ! And I realized I never used filter mode 2 (bandpass)!!! :slight_smile:

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Anyone have any news?

I noticed that the SEM and some other Cartridges are sold out.

It would be great to get an update.

Nothing official has been said and based on track record I wouldn’t expect anything. I’m expecting things to get pushed back further still given the lack of progress on his other project as well. I’d be very surprised to see any Avalon units shipping before end of Q2 2023. I would prepare for Q3 or Q4 though and 2024 might not be out of the question.

Yeesh. I really hope it’s not that long.

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Don’t really think so. The delays so far have been due to availability of parts and not manufacturing process, so we’ll have our update once the Oberheim project completes.

I’m fine not setting expectations too wildly optimistic but there’s no reason why it should get to 2024, I imagine if the OB project is that fucked they’d have pivoted back early 2023 to get the Avalons out.

I thought Brian had mentioned that all parts for the Avalon were already in his possession? I wonder what the actual hold up could be

He said the Avalons would be shipping after VS-1, and the last update on the VS-1 was

We are working diligently to start getting DIY kits out by the end of the year. Full schematics and build notes will be uploaded for public download on the website before the units start to ship. We have most of the assemblies already packed and we will be able to ship the (71) DIY kits quickly once the last parts are in. The VS-1 Retail units will begin after the DIY kits are shipped. This is the most efficient method of fulfillment so that everyone gets their reward as soon as possible.

Anything similar to the bassline on the market given that these are now sold out?

Avalon is a more “boutique” 303 clone with added features, so what aspect of the Avalon are you looking to match with?

There are a myriad of 303 clones available, many “faithful” ones as well.

So there’s many “similar” depending on how you measure, but not a lot that exists in the category of extended 303 clone not taking into account mods like Devilfish (and clones of those mods.)

There’s some grooveboxes that take inspiration from the 303, but because of the 303’s simplicity and representation in existing clones they’re usually their own beasts and weirder like the Norand Mono.

For features like the filter carts, I don’t know of many synths being currently made that offer those.

Thanks. I’m talking about the additional features. Specifically the modulation envelope, filter tracking, step switches etc.

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The next specification is how close to a 303 would meet your needs?

As close as the Avalon?

Then no.

RE-303 is as close or closer than Avalon but doesn’t have any extra features; it’s a 303 replica.

Devilfish is different from Avalon; it’s got a lot of extras but not an extra envelope integrated into the sequencer. That’s what really sets the Avalon apart, along with the filter cartridge system.

The TD-3-MO has a lot similar to Devilfish but it’s a piece of crap and the mods aren’t nearly as musical or useful as the Avalon’s. I have one and use it a lot and it makes acid sounds but it doesn’t come close to approaching the magic of either 303 or Avalon.


Exactly, if you want an Avalon, sit on your wallet and wait for the flippers to flip theirs once they hit the market. I would wait until they actually ship, because some people are going to offer “preorders” before they get theirs, and those will probably go for silly prices to the less patient (that will still have to wait, in the end.)

Again, it’s sort of in its own class hence why most of us are shrugging and grumbling at the pace of production and trusting that Brian will deliver, eventually.

You can find less faithful 303 clones that have additional features, or you can have a faithful 303 clone, some a tick more faithful but encountering diminishing returns unless you’re the sort who really wants to compare oscilloscope readings or loves a particular design quirk.


Have you checked this out?

There’s also other pleasantly inspired but less faithful stuff and no longer in production (futuretro 777 comes to mind) but the stuff no longer in production carries no warranty, may be questionably serviceable, and has the rarity tax applied.

I would say that there is no direct analog to the Avalon, but if you focus on what you want to do with it and get more specific in components of the instrument beyond

“The Avalon, but not” :stuck_out_tongue:

Targeted suggestions can be made!

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The thing setting the Avalon apart from all other clones is the way Brian has augmented what makes the original 303 such a classic instrument.

You wouldn’t think of doing that, let alone implement and sell it as a complete synth, unless you’re an obsessive 303 fanatic.

edit: that “thing” being just a little bit more 303 where it really matters, an extension, of the core 303 sound. A little more whelp from the filters. Not 3 LFO’s 2 oscillators and a new sequencer, things that would not be 303 like.


I wish he’d sell more x0xIOs.

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Plus the filter cartridges. That SEM, in particular, seems to really add a unique flavour.

I’ve been trying to cancel my preorder since July sending a email every week or two with no response. Seems like some people have had luck getting through to cancel?

It will be interesting to see if I ever hear back or if he’ll just ship my Avalon when eventually ready.

Man that’s such a bummer. Wish this guy would just answer emails…