COSMOS by Soma

As you can see though……
It arrived pretty bloody dusty!

It must be cosmic dust. Mine just came too, no dust, but possibly full of interstellar gas. Sorta surprised at how big it is. Loving the sounds so far, although I could do without the reverb algorithm—I guess it just stacks up a bunch of networked delay lines.

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It is certainly a thing of odd and LARGE beauty.
I haven’t had a massive opportunity to spend that much time with it, but the time I have had has been most pleasing.
It is definitely more of a “meditative” and experimental tool for me at the moment, I think.
I believe the random nature of it would drive me a bit mad if trying to apply it within a track with any kind of precision, but that may change as I gain more experience with it.
Judging from Vlad’s previous offerings, I think the experimental and explorative nature of his instruments are a large part of the appeal, uniqueness and playability of them.
Whilst making dinner last night, I just played in three or four notes, a couple of chords and some spoken word and let it go. It generated some really interesting, evolving ambience and with the occasional tweak, just keep on going.
I’m very much looking forward to delving deeper and trying to tame the beast, but as a weird texture/drone creator (that to be fair, is what I bought it from) I’m very happy.


anyone exploring the alternative rhythmic firmware yet, how do you like it?

Mixed feelings here. I like the polyrhythmic stuff but don’t feel that I want it to be a regular looper. The glitch stuff is cool.

But: I found I missed the range of options in terms of time and number of delay lines and also the three granular settings.

So I went back to OG.


thanks JES, I haven’t received my order yet but I guess I’m a little bummed that you still need to basically use two different pedals albeit inside one enclosure

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If it’s any consolation, I’m quite happy with mine. It does a thing really well. It doesn’t do everything. That’s honestly most of my best gear.


Cosmos + Pipe


I like it very much!

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Hey Cosmosnauts,

I just received my unit.
Yet to embark on a maiden voyage.

Quick question…
Am I right in thinking that this is really built for direct input from instruments as opposed to making it a send effect via my mixer?
From reading the manual it seems that way but I suppose there are no hard and fast rules.

I use it through my mixer (you can watch the video above to see this in action) as a send and return effect and it works perfectly. It’s entirely up to you!


Same here. I like it as a send effect.


Good to know, thanks folks.

I did a test run, first with the OP-1 and then the Mother-32 (both direct to the Cosmos).

What a marvellous device this is for off the cuff jamming… and that was just with one device at a time!

For this initial experiment, the Cosmos was routed into one of my mixer channels and I was able to apply extra reverb and micro-looping from the Polara and Mood pedals via one of my sends.

It’ll be fun to hear the difference with the Cosmos on its own separate send though.

I ordered mine last August from a retailer (with hindsight, should have gone directly to Soma) and it still hasn’t arrived yet. I’m presuming that there will now be a delay due to the awful situation in Ukraine? Which, if so, is fine - more important things going on but might be worth bearing in mind if you are still waiting.

Awful WAR in Ukraine, sadly it is not a “situation”…


Cosmos ships from SOMA’s European division (Poland) so, barring the world’s chip shortage at the moment, there might not necessarily be delays caused by Russia’s war on Ukraine.

It seems to be out of stock across UK & Europe with next batch expected in 4-6 weeks (according to some retailer sites, not sure how accurate those timings are).

may I ask what kind of mixer you’re using?

If only they used silent buttons, I would have enjoyed my cosmos waaay more. Such a shame.


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Did a couple of jams with mine, trying different stuff. Seriously considering doing an album with the soma as centrepiece.