COSMOS by Soma

Cosmos has no clock input/output, reset or midi–it’s essentially a frippertronics box meant for spontaneous performance. I think it would be painful to edit to a beat. I played a show on Sat and ran the Syntakt into the Cosmos and it worked great, but I made no attempt to sync anything. In fact I didn’t even bother sequencing the percussive elements–I just triggered them and let Cosmos do the layering.

but they did make an alternative rhythmic firmware right, how are you liking that, have you explored it much?

It works, but it’s a looper, so sync is all about your timing in hitting the switches. I tried it but went back to the original firmware.

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Yeah exactly just like blooper, also tough to get that exactly in sync.

I was thinking of using cosmos to create textures, record them in my daw and resize/crop them to 4 (or 8) bar loops for in the octatrack.

But still it might be a hassle to get it to work with tempo based music with beats…

Microcosm might be the better choice

cosmos has longer looping time than the microcosm though doesn’t it?


Here’s a demo video of the cosmos with six different ambient improvisations (elektron digitone).
Maybe you find it useful:


Getting my cosmos today. Curious, and worried it won’t play well in my setup. We’ll see

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At the top of the waitlist!

Ordered today…cant wait.

Just got my new Mini Pro 3 drone…videos with Cosmos audio…perfect.

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how did it go?

I still regret cancelling my order when my name was about to come up. I drop into this thread now and then for vicarious thrills. Maybe one day…

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it went well! haven’t had much time to play with it yet though but suspect it going to do nicely with some of my piano’s and synths

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Learned a good lesson tonight. Hooked up the Cosmos and fiddled around with the settings and keyed some horn sounds into it from my MPC.

The 3rd effort was magical. Sounded professional and fluid. With some amazing textures. Im not any kind of musician but the sounds that I dialed in were beautiful. And I did not record it. Omfg.

So, from now on, I either record my whole sessions into AUM or my blackbox or the sp 404 mk.2…anything.

I might not ever get that kind of sound again.

Always, always record into something all the time with that machine!!!


you got that 404 skipback feature

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wondering if anyone had freezings with COSMOS, as well as strange harsh noise happening spontaneously without any logical explanation?

power problem?
firmware problem?
hardware problem?

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Get mine tmrw. I started looping on a boss dd3 and 5 many moons ago. I contemplated setting up octatrack to sample loop and modulate and it would be great if I had the patience but every time I start that process I get involved in making a track. This cosmos is a great idea to set it off and play over. Should be interesting.

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Yes. Sometimes there was a really loud screechy feedback sound happening when i hit record the second time for looping. Very strange. I think it only hapoened with the rythmic firmware so far. But not sure. Just enailed Soma about it.

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Yeah, I believe it’s good to send feedback to them. But I feel those probs were power related (experienced it in a country house with very diy power system… but yeah, also on rythm firmware… ) 2 weeks in different studio and no bugs so far

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How different is using the rhythmic firmware from other ‘standard’ loopers? Still worth getting the Cosmos?

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It’s very different because for example it can cut the loop in a number of parts and repeat and/or pitch shift the parts randomly. Glitchy breaks stuff. I’ll still have to find out if i’ll use it in my music. Maybe i’ll record everything and cut out the part i like and then put drums to it. Or use it for glitchy ambient loops. Need more time to fully explore it.