Digitakt 1.20 & Digitone 1.30

It’s a drum machine/sampler dude.

Hello my lovely Elektronaughts ,Digitone here.
Can I update from an OS two previous straight to this ok ?
And is that scare of losing data finished were it was recommended to backup and switch your current projects (on last update) ?

I’ve just found the answer to the 2nd half of my post in 1.30 bugs thread - Yes! Still BU & switch to a blank project .

You should read the question I answered.

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Most Roland stuff these days record multi-channel straight from USB, Overbridge style.

I’m prepared to guess Elektron made a bad call as far as architecture goes a few years ago, and there’s shit that can’t be done now because of it, while others can.


idk, the elektron implementation is way better. it means you can run it in addition to your main audio interface / without having to make an aggregate device, and has the nice plugin UI that lets you do control everything from the computer.


That is a good point. The Roland way is a hassle. It was so horrible to install, my mind decided not to travel there again and I was left with a memory based on ignorance. :slight_smile:


The Roland drivers for the SH01a and TB03 seem to be quite poor, get loads of glitches on my 2019 Macbook Pro - not sure if their later stuff is class compliant and works better?

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Don’t know. Had the MC-707 briefly. But like a protagonist in a Lovecraft story, my mind’s deleted the experience for the sake of hanging on to sanity.


I think that ultimately there are a number of tradeoffs made at the low level that they may have chosen to make for this, I wish we could have some tech/architecture chats occasionally, perhaps when life gets less weird I’ll visit Elektron Berlin and ask?

Or perhaps when life gets less weird I’ll have more of an opportunity to focus on what’s good in my country and city. Not so much related to any love for Berlin lost but having a vector for what I need to do to help my fellows instead of going on vacation (even if for the fine reasons of international art and sending some solidarity and love outward.)

A bit of a digression there, but the coffee hasn’t quite kicked in :stuck_out_tongue:


Hi guys, great update!
I’m using DN as a sound card, and it shows as
1 stereo in
4 mono outs
1 main stereo out
I can record the tracks individually and simultaneously.
Of course I have Overbridge installed in my windows system, but I’m not using the plugin , I’m just using DN as a sound card.
I couldn’t be happier.
Honestly I think that having a multi ouput sound card plus a vsti editor would have been easier and less prone to compatibility problems, from the beginning.


Also, the timing seems rock solid.

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I currently use AUM on my iPad with a steinberg interface and the thing I hate about it is the slight latency I get when connecting my drum machine. If I want effects on the drum machine In AUM I get a slight lag. If I direct monitor then no latency but can’t use the effects in AUM, it’s annoying. My question is how is the latency with the DN and AUM, is it noticeable, I’m seriously considering getting one but latency is a big issue for me

Hmm, I remember SH-01A and TR-08 being fine to use over USB without glitches on an ‘ancient’ 2012 iMac. And now it’s similar with my JU-06A and a 2017 MacBook Air. Timing compared to the other tracks is never dead on, however, so some manual adjustment, or pumping it through DN and OB for better timing is the way to go for me.


Ah interesting. This is on a 2019 Pro, I’m pretty sure the issue was the Roland stuff although I could be wrong. Of course it could be something to do with Catalina or USB C or whatever, joys of technology eh?

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Ah, I never went down the Catalina route because I’m worried some of my older third-party plug-ins might stop working. Are there new Roland drivers you can download maybe?

Lost of love for the new update, including from myself. But I do wonder why they didn’t simplify the selection of a track when in mute mode… It was mentioned a few times in the feature request thread.

Usually I work in mute mode, jamming away, bringing patterns out and in, but then i want to tweak a parameter on a different track then the one currently selected, I then have to (1) hold func, hit bank, (2) select the track i want to edit, and (3) hold func and hit bank again, to get back into mute mode. It just feels unnecessarily convoluted!

It would be so much easier IMO if, while in mute mode, you could hold func and hit the track button for the track you want to ‘select’ (sort of the inverse of how muting works, when you are not in mute mode) - which would be one button combo/press instead of three…

Somebody in this thread called the DN a work of genius UI/UX, which makes me think I’m missing something…(!) is there another way?



I mentioned it a couple times in addition to many others. It would be very welcome, and seemingly easy to implement.


I agree about the mute thing @Decdog. On the Digitakt you can press the TRK button + trig to select a track. On the DN, the TRK button is replaced with the MIDI button, and pressing midi+track only switches you over to midi mode and then you mute the midi track =P. If anything, the DIGITAKT is a work of genius UI/UX!


I’m hoping a service manual of the digitakt pups up one day and makes some of us real happy. If there is separate d/a conversation for each tracks output i wil be the first to drill 8 extra holes in the back for extra jacks.
…i am afraid the design is different though