Digitakt Bubble: Already set to Burst? 04/15/23

The 100 :dollar: rise is probably due to the fact that most 2nd hand Digitakts come with some extra suprise gear stucked on one of the sticky rubber buttons.

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What a guy


No one is even commenting on what the original DT NFTs are going for now :scream:


Selling for more used here now than I bought mine new.

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I don’t think it’s artificially inflated. Diamonds value is artificially inflated because their scarcity is manipulated and that’s not the case of MNM.

Scarcity without demand it doesn’t raise prices that’s why a SiD doesn’t cost 10k. It’s the difference between supply and demand that raises prices. At most we could say that scarcity increase the desire for an object.

If people Is willing to pay 3k for a mnm that’s its value.

The demand for mnm is high because it’s unique and there are no modern alternatives other than being a masterpiece of design imho.

If and when people will stop paying premium prices, (for whatever reason) mnm value will drop.

(I would never spend 3k on a MnM)


Part of it is also people just not being willing to sell for less and willing to sit on selling it for months to years
 like currently on the reverb used market there are 6 digitakts and 16 MNMs. Perceived value of MNM is probably inflated just due to stubborn speculative people and then anyone who bought in at a 3k price now will never want to sell for less but yeah there are more MNMs on the used market than just about any other cool old synth.


Lol, no. It is not. It’s just the hype of the FW update. if you mean “will i be able to sell it for more than i paid for it in 10 years?”, I still think the answer is no. There are very few new items that can be sold for a gain that isn’t built on hype (see the Analogue Pocket, Dirtywave’s M8, etc.)
The D-05 is currently going for more than original MSRP, but that’s discontinued. But even when the Digitakt is discontinued, I don’t think they will be going for enough that will cover your shipping and reverb fees.


Exactly, you need a balanced portfolio of Elektron devices for the next MnM/MD UW craze.


If you go back and re-read the starting post as a joking tongue in cheek commentary (using facts and statistics as the draw) on the state of the hype around certain gear and the frenzy which ensues around the release of new gear / updates to gear - then you may get closer to the original intent of this post: commentary on the hype machine mentality, using a hype machine style delivery.

I try not to take things like this too seriously, I’m not stocking up on digitakts and I don’t advise anyone else to either. It certainly made for a better “reaction” if I don’t go out of my way to say “this is meant in jest” but at this point it’s taken on a life of it’s own and my original intent is no longer relevant.

Needless to say however those who say the rise of mnm prices is organic and reflective of supply and demand, I would like you to go back 2 years and find the catalyst for the price rise because it is not so long out of production and so scarce in numbers to see this kind of pricing - something drove it - don’t believe me? I will find production numbers on gear from the 1960’s far more scarce selling at lower prices. The supply and demand on that is suspect, because as has been said, there are people who invested around the bubbling who are now hesitant to lose money but don’t have any buyers.

eeehhhh :wink:


Every piece of gear I buy which I decide I don’t want goes down in value, while the pieces I do want to keep hold their value or go up in price. I guess if I ever pick up a drug habit again at least I am sitting on enough stuff for a two to three week bender.


Let’s see how this affects pricing haha : Roland SP-404MKII sampler gets another feature boost in firmware 3.0


my god they waited long enough to do it didn’t they? lektron musta gottem shook!

the timing is impeccable.

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I think factors like Autechre releasing their MD/MnM project files, and Sophie’s death two years ago contributed to the romanticisation of the silver boxes and the upsurge of people suddenly thinking they needed them. At least thats the impression i get anyway. A cursory look at the for-sale ads on this site show that even as recent as 2018 there were MnM’s for sale for 5-600 quid and even then there didnt appear to be any particular interest, certainly not the fervent interest that there seems to be now.


Nah, all those gear companies already have firmwares ready for the next 5 to 10 years: Elektron, Akai, Roland, 1010.

Whole departments of financial gear investment brokers are continue looking at random graphs to advice gear companies when to release the new firmwares.

Elektron’s strategy to release super stable firmwares was also loosened a bit. They add bugs now on purpose so they can release a “fix firmware” later, it’s more beneficial.

This is also the reason why the machinedrum and octatrack have no overbridge yet: Prices still go up without firmware updates.

(EDIT: This was meant as a nonsense post just for the fun of it)


you win a medal for common sense and a merit badge for good research

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I like everything you said but for all the wrong reasons

I very much doubt this is true - that companies have firmware ready years in advance. As someone who has done software engineering and embedded technology, that doesn’t ring true. For example, the firmware must interact with computer operating systems through Overbridge, and hence a firmware prepared in advance would be unlikely to function years later, due to operating system updates. Companies might have a roadmap for what they will add - when they have the resources - but they will not do the development work years in advance.

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I notice Digitone prices creeping up on Reverb in the past month or so too, probably in anticipation of a significant fw update similar to DT.

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maertejin made a funny.

yeah, the occasional sub 500 digitone has disappeared and they are in the mostly 600 range, but I don’t know if the boom will come until there is some concrete evidence of a major OS update