Help me find this band

love how everyone took today off to help someone find the name of a band. i hope this works.


I really love this one. I also like that in their Against the Clock episode they said their sound is defined by minimal gear, and encouraged people not to get wrapped up in gear. As a gear head though, I thought damn they did it right by going with an SH-101 and Prophet 6. :joy:


I feel REALLY CONFIDENT that I have the answer!

Poe - Angry Johnny

Ok so this reminds me of a great podcast I listed to, where they search for a lost song.
Great listen if you have the time and likely some detective tips in here

This guy reconstructs a song via memory and recreates it with professional musicians


James Hetfield has a “rough / raspy” voice and is “quite pretty with blond-ish hair”.

So, Metallica?


Thompson Twins


…possibly her solo stuff?

whoever recorded this YouTube vid…fucked up…[cant find a clean version]

ill chuck this in…just in case. but way old

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I see your James Hetfield and raise you a David Coverdale

Rod, Jane and Freddy. Gotta be.


if you do find it, PLEASE update the thread title to say (resolved). losing sleep over this :rofl:


when you say “poppy kind of stuff,” do you mean something like guitar and drums or synths? did you get any idea of what the other two people played in the song? there’s not much to go on here besides possibly a woman singer with bad range.

Back in the heyday of this thread – like when it was still living in a cave and hunting and gathering food – the Original Poster did come back to inform the tribe of further details of the Band.

(I really hope there will be some tribute music made – soundtrack music to this search. Like an OST for a King’s Quest set in 2000s Sheffield.)


I haven’t eaten in months since this thread was created.


It’s been a long dark night as I lay awake dreaming of the day, hoping that the enlightenment of the coming dawn will speak the name of the forgotten “poppy kinda stuff” will be spoken from the lips of a sage.


There was a movie from perhaps very early 90s that I remember watching as a kid that was about a middle eastern kid, horse racing, and was set in the 18th century. I had only very vague visual impressions of it, like why were there neat mowing patterns in a lawn in the 1700s?

It took 7-8 years of searching the internet to find it. I don’t want to wait that long for this thread to be resolved.

I had a similar situation. there was a song in the Bones Brigade Video Show…that wasn’t credited in the movie. the vid came out in 1984…there is song when Lance Mountain is skating at night. ive been searching for that song since that video came out. wrote TONS of people…until two years ago I think it was, maybe three, a guy gave me a name. it was a local SoCal band. I dunno if they ever released the stuff. the song is nowhere to be found. BUT someone did a cover of it…and filled in the blanks as best he could. it was amazing. Im still looking for a released version of that track. perhaps someone got a tape at a show, way back when. :crossed_fingers:t6:

from the video…the band The Nudes

dudes cover, DefyJoe, pretty good for not having much to werk with…

…still looking. almost 40 years :grimacing:


In the early 90s I heard a great house track and went into the record store to find it. I asked the guy if he knew a house song with a piano and a woman singing.

He didn’t even answer. He just stared at me.


Sounds terrible

Oh yeah, I’m still looking for that jungle tune with the chopped Amen break and time stretched vocals in it.


Can’t you at least sing a melody from the song and post it here?
Think of the entertainment value.