Hi, im ylva and im making a youtube album using mainly elektron boxes

@PekeDorty https://www.naturalreaders.com/online/


regrading "the columnar moment"

i have uploaded a new version of this song (both youtube and BC) and id like to explain why:

the first version of this song used parts taken from ā€œheart of darknessā€ by joseph conrad.

i have read ā€œheart of darknessā€ several times in my life, first time when i was 16. while i have always thought that its a brilliant anti colonial tale, after reading it again last weekend and well over than 10 years since last time, i was left with a strong sense of discomfort - due to how marlow - the protagonist, describes / perceives africa and its inhabitants. i have decided that i cannot live with it as is, especially in the current climate and after everything that happened in 2020. this is simply something i cannot participate in.

i have completely re-written the text,



@oroboro also i want to stress the fact that ylva was born when i watched southland tales, in particular the ending scene

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Thanks for the reply and insight! I appreciate it. I hadnā€™t listened to some of those (inspirations) before but Iā€™m glad I have now. Respectable move with columnar moment.

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when i was a kid i used to smoke a lot of weed and listen to mazzy star.


Excellent! Very impressed with your vocals here on the DTā€¦taking what seems like a job for the OT and giving it to the fiery little sister like ā€œYOUVE GOT THIS!ā€
Whereā€™s you find the a cappella?


@ViolentMeals thank you :black_heart: , i had since ages (i think i got it somewhere around 2010 from some dodgy acapella website)


Iā€™ve done the exact same thing, haha. May need to again

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Wonderful, kinda vaporwavey?

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@Lauli thank you! yes but more as a state of mind, less in sound i guess

Ok matey, this is all getting stupidly impressive. You donā€™t need to go putting the rest of us to complete shame ok :slight_smile:

Now, Columnar Moment. Where are these lyrics from? I think you said earlier that you changed them out, but Iā€™ve no idea what Iā€™m listening to.

Just bought the whole lot on BC for the office. Itā€™s going to be on repeat for the next week.


thank you @min0nim for the support and the kind words
the new lyrics of ā€œThe Columnar Momentā€ are straight from my heart


So youā€™re a talented poet as well as a musician. Next I expect youā€™ll be taking a short break to ride the Tour de France, after giving a quick lecture on astrobiology at the Academy of Science :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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made a new (old) tune on one of my fav combos. the reason i love romplers so much is that they take away the ā€œsound designā€ factor out of the equation and make me concentrate on the music. i actually used the onboard sequencer on the QY this time because of the much better resolution


loving the DTN sine


made an edit of ā€žthe space ladyā€œ s version of ā€žmajor tomā€œ


Iā€™ve bought your discography on bandcamp (first bandcamp buy ever).
Iā€™m very impressed by your ā€œsongwritingā€ / workflow, as Iā€™m currently stuck in a rut, and pretty depressed about that (I would even pay for a workshop with you, lol).

Would you mind sharing some tips on how do you achieve the ā€œstructureā€ of your tracks ?
Do you have a process, or is this something that vary ?
Do you write on paper your skeleteon/structure before working with the machines ?
Iā€™m quite ā€œstuck in patternsā€, and canā€™t plan/visualize a progression beside muting/unmuting tracks and opening/closing filters on synths in a very long pattern. Itā€™s OK for some genres/projects, but not for the type of things I want to achieve.

PS: thanks again for your music. It brings poetry, subtelty and beauty in my days.


Love your music. stunning workā€¦ thanks


@demian_west thank you very much for the support

id like to start with a disclaimer: i make a lot of shit music that i dont like, finish or release, you just get to hear the things im comfortable with.

im not sure why sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnā€™t, its just about having one element that inspire me enough to build a whole track around it.
im not an authority of any kind but i think that if you do this long and often enough the probability of you stumbling upon this one element which is strong enough to hold a whole piece of music is just getting higher.

i try to keep simple / homogenous in terms of sound - for example in ā€œthe youthā€ i have used the same 4 drum sounds in every track, it frees me from getting lost in sound design and also creates a ā€œwholeā€ sound palette.

im not very structured, sometimes i have a concrete musical idea in my head and sometimes i just look for one while playing, usually i start building a pattern until i like it, then i duplicate it and do some variations, by the time i got there i already heard it 1-2 hours in a loop and i have an idea of how a B / C etc part could be. when im done with this i go over everything and try to reduce it to its essence (basically removing alot of elements and checking if i miss them or not, if not im happy to let them go and have more clarity)

i wish i could have given you the technical answer you ask for but to be honest i have no idea, i hope it helps anyways


Thanks ! And yes I think it helps. I wasnā€™t so looking for a technical response, as the ā€œstuck in patternā€ phenomenon was already a little present before, on fasttracker (yes, Iā€™m that old ^^), jeskola buzz (less for this one), Ableton and renoise. After that, going computer less with Elektron gear helped a little (because of the ergonomics).

I currently have a pretty ā€œmaybe trackā€, but canā€™t achieve recording it without dumb errors, I tried tried tried. IMO, I control too much things live and must automate more.
Reading you, I think I have to develop a kind of method to lay out my patterns/variations and a method on how to choose which things to automate and which things to keep live.

Watching your vids, it seems you donā€™t use muting/unmuting a lot, it seems written in your patterns. I can maybe start with that.

Thanks :+1::purple_heart: