If you were starting from scratch what would be your first 3 pieces of gear

might try it. They are really cheap secondhand

Yes for the prices they go for, well worth it I think.

It is a real shame Korg did not address some of the firmware issues and omissions, like the voice stealing and fx tails between patterns, because otherwise it is a solid box - great timing performance, quick and basic yet decently featured sequencer, pattern audio export, analog sync, pleasingly punchy sound (esp with decent samples) usable filters and fx, relatively portable.

I think it is destined to be a future classic, possibly even more so than the OG electribes, especially given hacktribe, but even as standard, it has a signature sound - some of the IFX particularly, kind of lo-fi but really pleasing and simple.

A real sleeper.

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M1 Mac with Ableton

Heaven :sunglasses:

This is assuming I’m allowed some kind of midi controller. If not I might have to sacrifice the OT for a Nord Grand. I know, sacrilege on an elektron forum…


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I am glad this question makes me realize I already have the three I’d start over with:
Korg Kronos
Analog Four
Waldorf Iridium

Probably what I’ve just setup:


I have a couple of pedals hooked up too.

My current “trinity” is:

  1. MC707: sounds, sequencing, mixing
  2. sp404mk 2: sampling, mangling, sprinkles!
  3. ipad: a musical wonderland in a hard, unyielding carapace (play it using 1 or 2)

MY +2 would be a cheap midi keyboard for chromatic stuff and a mike for crooning.

I am sure you could swap an MC 101 for (1) (but without mixing) and a digitakt or Octatrack for (2) but the ipad is hard to beat for a versatile, amazing, musical playground.

If you can find a Chinese Squier Classic Vibe second hand they’re a great alternative to the some of the MIM strats. I’ve got the 50’s strat and a CVC tele. They build them in Indonesia now I think but both mine were ‘crafted in china’ and They’re both crackers. I bought a newer Indonesian Jazz Bass (think that’s from the lesser priced Vintage Modified range) that I’m not as enamoured with in terms of finish and playability. It’s a diver. Not played an Indonesian CV six stringer but I’d like to try one to compare them to the Chinese ones.

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This is a neat one for me because my setup is more or less 3 pieces of gear right now:

  • Electron Digitakt
  • Korg Monologue
  • 1990s MiM Fender “Squire” Jazz bass
  • Tascam Model 12

To slim down to 3 pieces of gear, just find the cheapest laptop you can and download Reaper—et voila, no more need for the Tascam. Use the DT as your A/D interface and you’re golden.

If I was starting from scratch and didn’t have a whole lot of scratch to start with…

  • Electric bass or guitar. Maybe split the difference and get a baritone.
    • (I’d also cheat slightly and add a decent DI box—if it’s not acoustic or amped, then I count the DI along with cables, picks, etc., as a necessary component of the bass/guitar itself)
  • Cheaper alternative to the DT, like a Circuit or Volca Sample with the Pajen FW
  • Computer loaded with Reaper
    • (and Internet access for finding stuff to feed the sampler)

Plus something like a Shure SM57 or, if you’re feeling fancy, maybe a Sennheiser 421. Any decent cheapish mic for capturing stuff to feed the DT. Or just use your phone.

Alternately, there’s my favorite 3-piece setup of all time:

  • Any instrument
  • A friend with another instrument
  • Another friend with an instrument

Note: If you care about the stability of your setup, this is quite possibly the worst solution you could ever go with.


A 50s strat, nice.

I’ve American standard 97 strat and it’s ace.

We were talking about the acoustasonics though - I’d love squier to make one of those for sure! Doubt that’ll happen.

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What is the leaf blower for

This is almost my exact position at present:

trying to keep it to 3 bits of kit for a dive back into studio production after a long hiatus.

Today I am leaning towards:
Rytm II
Bass station II
Roland Aira J-6

(I’m going to cheat by not including the Mac I already have, the DAW because I’ll run a free promo to start with, and the mixer because, well that’s jut not very sexy)

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if you have to ask…

Macbook with Ableton Live.

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Octa, Digitakt and Virus. Thats on my table. Can’t imagine what I could not do with this combo

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If I would have to decide:

OT mkl


For a Techno setup, I would probably go with the following three items:

  • Akai MPC X
  • Erica Synths Perkons HD-01
  • Sequential Prophet Rev2 16-voice Synthesizer
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