Isla S2400

I can understand that.

I bought in not because it was emulating the SP1200 sound, although I do like the gritty drums, I’m actually rather happy that it has 12 and 24 bit capabilities. But because I’ve been wanting a modern sampler with the swing/vibe that the old akais and emus had without the interfacing headaches that comes with old gear. This also has the easy workflow of the SP1200 but without its limitations. Every choice Brad has made regarding build quality has been right up my alley. I’m exceptionally pleased with where it’s ended up compared to where it started.

For me it hits my three main criteria

  1. It has the vibe (from what I can tell and hopefully there will be a fully analog filter daughter card down the line)
  2. It has the workflow (nimble and easy)
  3. It is a solid, quality build

can we get some conditional trigs and probability on this piece?

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Based on what I’ve read and heard, I don’t think those will be in the initial firmware however the S2400’s creator, Brad, is on the record as admiring Elektron sequencing. While he said he’s not seeking to emulate it, I’d be surprised if we don’t see some familiar elements in future.

Isla Instruments has an active forum with a feature request thread for the S2400 so take a look there, maybe sign up and suggest those.

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I will take a look, because everyone should be not only trying to emulate but improve upon those features… you can always give credit for inspiration no matter where you got it from but don’t let pride get in the way of common sense evolutionary improvements for drum sampling and sequencing… doesn’t matter what I’m looking at whether it’s hardware, software, or even an iOS app if there is not forward thinking features geared towards creating movement it’s a huge let down.

In one of the recent posts from Brad he shows that the sequencer is now more fully realized. While showing it off he goes on to show how you will be able to edit each step pitch/velocity and such(couldn’t quite make out the details on which parameters). This looks to me like a variant of per step settings. Not quite plocks but most likely useful I hope.

Of course most elektronauts will have something which they could run into the S2400 for added MIDI madness as well!(however further in spirit that would take the S2400 from the SP1200?!)


well I definitely hope that they don’t feel like p.locks would take away from the spirit of the machine as no one would have to use them if they didn’t want to.

My impression is that the people that make up the initial market for the S2400 are indeed focused on the authenticity of the sound and classic workflow. However, given his history and public statements, I don’t think you have to worry about Brad behaving like a retro purist with the S2400.

It’s well worth going through his development “diary” videos, if you have the time. That will put the priority of enhanced sequencer features in context. I think he will have an open mind about doing those eventually, assuming the remaining CPU cycles allow.


I’ll be honest, I’m not really into putting p-locks and probability into my machine.
I get it, and I get why people like them, but that isn’t what my machine is about, It’s more of a manual machine that you get out what you put in. Sorry dudes. :slight_smile:
I guess, if I get hammered enough by the user community of people that actually have the machine, then I would be swayed, but I certainly wouldn’t add features to the machine in the hopes of increasing my user base if my existing base doesn’t want it.
K.I.S.S acronym fits perfectly here…
Big Love
B <3


understood and thanks for responding… I do understand if the community doesn’t want to change the vision or workflow of an instrument, but also I hope that the community understands these features in particular wouldn’t affect anything if they are not in use… it’s not like they would force probability on anyone etc…

but again thank you, and thank you for making this instrument in the first place.


Glad Alex Ball got asked to do the video tutorials. Should be arriving at my studio soon. :slight_smile:


I can’t imagine anyone not wanting p-locking ability.


Well the original didnt have p-locking, and it certainly hasn’t stopped anyone from creating a raft of music. Isnt that whats it about. Creating music?

Yes, I used to own an SP1200. I know exactly what they are like. I’m responding to the premise that it is not being added due to the majority of the user base not wanting it.


Ah i see where your coming from now. I guess KISS as Brad says is the only answer to that one. :slight_smile:

Great batch of samples by a great DJ that I like a lot. All made with this ISLA S2400. Check his Instagram for the link: @SamuelMadsen (known as S. A. M.) Only freely shared by him until Today I believe.


Mine just landed. It’s a lot of fun as you would expect. Here’s a first-time jam. Made a vocal phrase with the DAW and then sampled it in.


You must keep us updated here. Mine was preordered June 2020 so maybe a month or so to wait :slight_smile:

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Mine was back in 2019 pretty early in the process. :slight_smile: Like summer 2019. I think it’s still the early people. I saw Brad mention recently that he’s shipped about 400 units so far.

OK I am thinking of doing a feature compare video versus the Octatrack. Any interest?


That would be great.