Isla S2400

I’d watch that with pop corn and enjoy every second of it, I’m sure.

Seriously, right? What’s not to love?

I’m pretty sure I’ve all but finished the Internet at this point, so… Bring it. :wink:



Alright here we are. I think it will be interesting for our good folks here at Nauts to see these side by side. Hope you enjoy and if so please subscribe as these videos take a lot of time to make :wink: Disclaimer: S2400 firmware is evolving and I am not a power user of the S2400. One man’s opinions.


Thanks for taking the time to do this, @Veets .

Mine hasn’t arrived yet but as an OT owner who doesn’t have much experience of the SP machines that inspired the S2400, I’m looking forward to watching your initial impressions.

I own a SP1200 and, at least to me, The Isla sounds very well, but doesn’t sound as a 1200 (or a 12bit sampler), more like a modern sampler with analog filters and with a SP1200 UI.

Maybe this will change with future firmwares? Who knows!

Resampling is in the next firmware. Where you can run the tracks through the 12 bit engine if you wish. There will be no difference.

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Surely the S in Isla is silent, like island, not like rizla?


Actually I have no idea how to pronounce it but yes… I can see how the ‘s’ would be silent in some other languages. Apologies!

I genuinely don’t know, it’s just what I assumed… Now I’m not sure and I’ll have to listen to some official videos to check :laughing:

pretty sure the ‘s’ is silent and it’s named after brad’s daughter (i think). going by memory though, so don’t hold me to that as my memory isn’t getting better with age. :wink:


Yep, sounds like “Eye-la” (for Anglophones, at least).


Ok I added a postscript apology to the video. If Brad or his daughter are upset or offended I will redub the audio.

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Now I feel bad for asking about it, sorry! :grimacing: I doubt anybody will take offence, it’s still a good comparison video

A couple of things different are there is no time stretching (yet). And no fade in and fade out(so for now use envelopes for this). The wood end cheeks in American Dark Walnut will be available from Tuesday. :slight_smile:

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Great video but the audible swallow sounds and smacks are driving me nuts, hah. It’s a pet peeve of mine.

Just ordered one. Now the wait. I hate 4 bar and 8 bar sequencers. Being able to do 99 bars with this is perfect. I use the Deluge for midi sequencing my synths and this will be used for drums and vocal samples. Uh can I get it now please.

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Im sure you will love it. Mine is coming soon as i preordered a year ago. :slight_smile:

If you send me yours you can have mine In 6 months AND a barely used MC 707 right now! Cmon. Great deal!!! Anyone, anyone?

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Haha. In this case time is more important to me than money. But thats a very generous offer. :slight_smile:

My wife hates my impatience so she has no access to this forum! That was a New Years resolution so I guess I’d better work on it. Augh.