Isla S2400

The sound is pure grit. And this is the sound that a lot of Hip hop producers want(It has several engines to do this). If you want a clean techno sound it can do that a produce a full track easily. But most people are buying it for that warmth that you don’t see so much of now.


There’s a user on this forum @ObscureMachines who’s got a cool YouTube channel that’s got a ton of techno related videos. On some of his older ones he’d feature an SP-1200 for drum samples and it sounded killer. I haven’t seen/heard it in his recent videos (which you should check out – great live performances), but I think he still has it?

Maybe he’ll see this post and clarify. I’m sure he can elaborate on its strengths for techno, but I think it’s really more about the overall sound than being specific for a particular genre. It’s easy to use for sampling and has great lofi/gritty sound to it, so it was a natural for hip hop and boom bap, but can apply to anything.

I kept myself from ordering an SP 2400 by getting a Pioneer SP-16. Nothing against the SP 2400 at all… they’re actually made just up the road from me and I know a couple people working for Brad. I’d love to have one, but it’s more machine than I need right now. I really should have snagged on on pre-order, but life happened.


I told Brad not to share his Florida lock up on facebook. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I’m not going to stalk him, show up or anything. :laughing: I think he’s within 10 minutes of me though. Just cool seeing some of the videos and seeing people I know working on his team. I really haven’t even talked to them about it. They seem to have their hands full for the foreseeable future.


The UPS driver he uses looks pissed doing so much lifting them onto the wagon :slight_smile:

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Actually I believe the creator himself is much more of a house guy and mentions this as driving his design decisions in some of his earlier videos.

I also think you’ll like these videos from Matt Jones where he uses the S2400 solo for more four-on-the-floor, dance-oriented music.

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Thanks for the kind words! I still have the SP1200, though right now it needs a chip replacement as channel 5 is going out and I haven’t gotten around to repairing it.

It makes drums sound fat for sure

Though it shines most on samples. Kink did a cool track with it here where you can really hear it:

This is a boom bap track I did sampling vinyl and sequencing all with the SP: Tom the Ronin - Float | Maui Beat Sessions

Honestly, IDK if I like it on techno drums. It sounds fat indeed, but I don’t like ringing on sounds like kicks. You can use the onboard filter to remove it of course. It turns out there were a lot of hits made that used it, but filtered the ringing out which I just found out about. Anyway, if you’re looking for a magic “make everything sound better box”, it does add character, but you get better sounds with the basics. Saturation/distortion, EQ, compression etc. It’s more ideal for French house since you’re using more samples.

As of today, if you have a spare $8k and wanna use it for more than just drums, or make other genres other than techno, yeah I’d get one. Otherwise, I’d pick up the Isla. But at the end of the day, if I had to pick one, I’d rather have my modular rig for techno. For boom bap though…it can’t be beaten if you want that classic sound. Hope that all made sense. Happy to run samples through it if you want to do an A-B.

Edit: get the boxes that you can make the most music with.


Of course the SP1200 has it’s hiphop heritage, but these days “making a boombap beat” is the new “oomph oomph oomph four to the floor” … also for Maschine, MPC etc. is these 4bar loops everywhere. I guess it’s because it’s super easy to do (unless you go J Dilla style lol), much easier to make a beat/loop instead of a full arrangement.

Anyway, the SP1200 was one of the mainstays in “French house” and i believe also in NYC it was used plenty in house. So it can definitely be used for this.

examples, Alan Braxe using his SP1200 for Running:

and showing his studio:

Alan Braxe - Studio tour - YouTube


Hi tempo with the famous beat.


If there will ever be a European distributor for this, I’d love to own one. I asked around, but there doesn’t seem to be anything in the cards in that regard. And spending $1.800,- (including VAT) on an overseas order - I don’t know…


site says you’ll get one 3-4 months after placing an order. judging just from casually following this thing, that seems… dubious, at best.

wasn’t there a period recently where if you bought the case with it, yours shipped immediately, even while people who ordered a year ago waited? :rofl:

No, I believe you’re mistaken on that. I still follow the Facebook group. There would have been complete outrage. And I just can’t imagine Brad doing something like that (not his character at all).


to be fair, I think I saw it on GS. an absolute beacon of truth!

Just to add something… if you watch one of his last video updates from the past couple weeks he says the next batch of units will come mostly assembled. Up until now, they’ve gotten everything separated… cases, boards, PSU, etc and done final assembly at their HQ. I believe the next batch (IIRC) the units will be largely assembled at the factory overseas leaving only to install things like knobs, fader caps and doing final QA/QC before shipping to customers.

That’s what will cut down lead time on future orders I believe and thus why the overall estimate will go down.

EDIT: This is the video that I’m talking about, but I think you have to be a part of the FB group. At 0:40 he says, “The next batch are going to be almost completely assembled… we’ll only be putting the knobs on” and goes to say that’s why future orders will ship much quicker. This is for the batch coming after the 500 they’re assembling/shipping right now.

Yes I saw a video once of Brad explaining about if you order a case you will get yours sooner. Ask on the fb if you don’t believe.
@ sl1200mk2

I’m not saying that I don’t believe you, but I find it very odd given all of the other things that have been said that if you ordered an SP 2400 + case months or a year after someone had ordered just the SP 2400 that your order would be prioritised and skipped ahead of theirs. That wouldn’t be ethical at all, so I’m inclined to think there’s some misunderstanding.

I have no skin in the game on this since I don’t even have one ordered. I’ve just repeatedly seen that pre-orders and orders are being built and shipped out in the order in which they were received. If you can find that video or post it would help. I’m simply trying to clarify so people aren’t discouraged or accidentally spreading misinformation.

Maybe @bradholland will get the forum notification and clarify.

Edit: I did a quick search (don’t have bunch of time to spend it) and found this:


It looks like there might have been a temporary issue where those who ordered cases got bumped ahead for a short time (for whatever reason). All I’ve been saying and trying to clarify was that I didn’t think it was an ongoing thing where you could just skip ahead of people who’d been waiting by ordering a case. If that happened (appears to have for a short time) than it sounds like there’s more to the story.

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Cool, thanks… it does sound like that given the post I found, but it was a temporary issue and for a short time. A lack of boxes or waiting for supplies for units w/o cases (which would use a smaller box) is an acceptable reason why those with cases (which had a box) got sent out.

Not trying to put words in anyone mouth but at least to me I interpreted it as anybody could just order a case, like right now or at any previous time and their order was prioritised over everyone who didn’t. That kind of statement is misleading.

That’s all I’m saying! :laughing: :rofl:

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no I said there was a period of time where this happened. or so I had read, at least. and yes I recall now the word was he hadn’t received enough boxes or packing materials or something, and the case got around the issue.

anyway, not the situation now. didn’t mean to imply otherwise. dude for sure seems to be a stand up guy, sharing a ridiculous amount of detail of his work and any delays, etc.


It is and there are quite a few house producers on the forum, including myself. Brad produces house music as well and is an Alan Braxe fan.

So here is the most current shipping information:

Yesterday Brad posted on Facebook and Instagram about an adjustment to how far out orders would be covered by Batch 2. The estimate is that it will cover orders up until August.
The 3rd batch, which is more than the first two batches combined, should be getting on the boat in about 3 weeks. If there are no delays from China then those should be going out sometime in June. And they expect the entire backlog to be clear and shipped by no later than July.

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Cool, thanks for the info! I ended up putting in an order for one. Now i’m just going to try and forget about for a couple months.

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