Isla S2400

Thanks for this info. One area I am trying to focus on improving is my drum programing so you mentioning the timing and sound quality of the S2400 is reassuring. I have heard across the board that it sounds phenomenal which is what I am curious about. If it sounds crunchy and hi-fi that will suit me just fine. Also, the faders seem like they would be incredibly useful.
Thinking more about the Isla vs. the 404 mkii I think I will stay the course and wait for the Isla to arrive. I could always pick up an earlier version of the 404 if my curiosity holds. I’m sure the used prices for older models will probably come down when the mkii lands. Now if they could just get that boat in Miami unloaded so I can hear this thing for myself. What about you @Kpucski?

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I’m definitely going to stick it out. I’ve waited a year and some change, so a few (hopefully) more weeks is no sweat. I really just wanted some opinions from the nauts who have one. Thanks for sharing the pros and cons @tubefund!

I do love the aesthetics of the S2400, it’s a gorgeous machine.

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After owning this for a year. I have to say it’s indeed my favourite sampler. Not saying it doesn’t have its quirks as everything does. I think something to remember is the OS is still being developed and refined. You don’t have to like every machine or workflow and not every machine/ workflow will be right for you. But remember this machine is different from probably every machine you have used…It was like that for me… I’m coming from Maschine/Mpc/Octatrack workflow, I still use all of them, depending on how I feel but for me it was still weird at first. The first few weeks/month was tough. Also because of where they were at with firmware. Sometimes the way something works is opposite from how you expect it to. But it boils down to there is another workflow then the previous samplers I mentioned offer that I personally never knew existed. This is one of the reasons why I bought it. I was always curious about the Sp1200 workflow. I know this isn’t identical and adds features but takes a lot of the same properties from what I hear. But I always wondered was the workflow for me? With the price of the Sp1200 where its at this was a no brainer to have that workflow. Something again, that is opposite from everything I use. I wanted and got a new way of thinking.

Honestly, you need to get the machine and actually use it to determine if it is right for you. My advice when using it is don’t compare functionality to other boxes. As in “the mpc does this certain thing this way so the s2400 should to”. It’s okay that something does something different and offers another workflow/way of working/thinking. The best thing to do is to discover how the s2400 works for you or doesn’t work for you with hands on practice.

A very important thing to remember is new workflows and ways of working/thinking take time to get used to. It may not be right for you. But I feel people dismiss things way too quick. It doesn’t work like this product and go back to the comfort zone of said product. Remember this workflow hasn’t been available to a lot of people for a long time. Really take the time to see if it’s right for you. Don’t go by somebody else saying what they don’t like. You might like it.
For instance, when I saw a video of a user using the faders to slice samples before I got my unit. I wasn’t impressed. It didn’t seem intuitive at all. After a month of heavy use. One of my favourite things to do. It’s so fast to chop. It’s so fun to as well. I never want to give that up. The ease of use is so simple the more you use it.

It’s a really nice piece of kit. Well built, looks great. Sounds amazing. I find it a very inspiring and fun machine after I have learned the basics. The workflow is really nice. Turns out the workflow is for me. I pair it going into my octatrack for fx. I’ve never used a 404 before, never had my interest. The Sp 404 Mkii looks awesome, honestly. It’s got my GAS. Taking the Sp 404 Mkii around on battery power filled with s2400 samples and loops. That just sounds too good.


Thank you for the in depth detail on your experience so far. I think you are spot on that you have to experience a machine firsthand to really know if it’s for you. I’m not to worried about the work flow issues as I’ve kind of trained my mind in preparation to not expect to know and do everything at once. The more workflows And machines I use the more I realize it is just a collection of tricks, workarounds, and trial and error that one day equal mastery.

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I’ve had mine a few weeks now, it sounds great and the latest OS improves the ‘override’ method. Definitely keeping it (before it arrived I thought I might sell it on).

The mute/solo buttons are a strange design decision compared to the type & feel of the other buttons, but they are ok.

It really would benefit from an lfo per track, let’s hope it gets it at some point.

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I’ve had mine not that long but it’s a beautiful thing. Coming from an octatrack, just remember there isn’t really any sound shaping. Just digital filters (sweep not recordable) pitch shift (that’s where the magic is) and now you can adjust bit depth to get as crunchy as you want, down to 1 bit ! So you need to load processed samples. I sample vinyl thru heat (USB out to s2400) !

there are 3 of them in Los Angeles Craigslist, and one on reverb

And one here!

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1 on SF CL too.

I just cancelled my pre order :slightly_frowning_face: I was supposed to have it shipped in this batch but they ran out of cases so I got bumped to the next order which just wasn’t going to work for me. It’s a bummer and I kind of don’t understand the logic behind not just eating the cost of making two shipments to send the case separately when it arrives in order to get orders filled and avoid a situation where folks like myself just decide to cancel their order. Oh well. The S2400 seems like a really cool instrument and I’ll probably revisit it in the future.

Isla S2400 price increase confirmed, how are we feeling about this? Does this make you want to buy one now before it goes up? Are you happy with yours? Are you planning on selling yours once the price goes up?

I was thinking about selling.
Make a little profit or trade for something nicer. Is that bad ?

There is not anything nicer.Because this unit is unique and built like a tank.if you want something different it might be nicer for you tho……]

Its like there giving it away compared to the new SP1200 machine.I dont see this as being any lesser than that.less than half the price so……

I was just watching this and wondering if the S2400’s faders can also trigger the samples?


I love mine and won’t sell it. And I can see where Brad is coming from with the price hike. I wouldn’t have bitten at the future price point, though.

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Agreed. I think it’s only likely to increase in value as well.

For those that own the machine, what’s your favourite mode of play - classic or hifi? seriously lusting after one of these. I sorta imagine I would just abuse the 12bit aspect of it, or perhaps i would be overwhelmed with all the options available and would have to really force a workflow to avoid being bogged down by choice paralysis.

Whichever mode you choose it imparts its own character on the sound so………I’m not hearing such a huge difference between them,apart from some high frequencies disapearing ect.If you start pitching about then it becomes more obvious.I must admit i like the 12 bits tho.Its still pretty hifi tbh.


personally i like certain basses, kicks to be smooth and hifi on the 2400 (so they don’t draw too much attention with artifacts), but if im using the s2400 im going for 8-12 bits on 95% of samples

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