Isla S2400

Personally, I never have crashes, the firmware “bloating” has never been an issue to me because it consists of optional features you can ignore if you’re able to do such a thing (which most Elektron users will understand/be used to), and personally i have not heard any other complaints about the encoder, mine seems to be totally normal. Which out of those complaints, leaves the Pads as the only issue consistent across most users/machines/use cases.

That said, SP-404MK2 is the deal of the century. If i had any financial concerns about buying the ISLA i wouldn’t hesitate to grab that Roland.


‘Bloat’ isn’t really a thing on this device for me unless you want the SP1200 workflow exclusively which is dead simple and extremely limited. I can easily ignore the features I don’t need or use. I’m very glad for the extra features though, particularly the 16 stereo voices and time stretch.

There are still a few bugs that require quashing which I imagine will happen in the new update. There has a been a bit of a break with updates due to necessary work on the Kordbot and hardware development in the form of DSP and analog filter card with balanced outs. The update will also have the ability to read SP1200 floppy info which is a big deal for many users who still have their SP1200 that have a broken drive.

At the current discounted price it’s 39% of the price of the SP1200 at full price it’s 44% and that doesn’t include import duties on top of that which will be a lot more for the SP1200.


FYI the new Analog Board is in pre production, Brad has one and is testing and the DSP effects card is coming along as well.

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any demos of this or anything?

Not yet. Only a mention in the knobcon video and another update post on FB and Insta.

Bought one of these when they first came out and sold it…now, just ordered another one…any news at all on what the FX card will have in it? Was going to buy another OT, my 4th, but decided on this for the 16 tracks, 24 midi tracks, longer pattern length, easier to me sampling. Just need that FX card.

No nothing definitive yet.

I was just going to order an RC-505 mk2 for looping but hearing they are expanding the loop times, might have to wait till mid January when I receive mine to try that first…dammit, hurry up January.

Little blog update.


People who ordered from the past batch should get theirs soon.

They have a prototype of the analog filter expansion card.

The retail product will have 8 analog filters with: 2 Pole Low Pass, 3 Pole Low Pass, 4 Pole Low Pass with Q Compensation, 2, 3, and 4 pole High Pass and 2 pole band pass and three pole all pass filter. Input and output drive circuitry. Will have LFOs and Envelopes on the filters.

There will be some S2400s available on the online store.

Firmware update is coming soon with mostly bug fixes and a live loop overhaul. They are hoping for it to come out in a week or two.


Talked about at 1:35


Second update is more shipping related stuff. The black sides are shipping soon. And new customers get a Isla Koozie (definitely jealous, I’d rather have that than the tacky rolling papers and I live in a legal state lol).

Also shows off the new color way for the S2400 which is an off white a few shades lighter than a Roland 909. Looks clean.


I absolute love the S2400, it’s brilliant. The sound! The logical workflow! The constant updates! It’s a breath of fresh air. The swing is hands-down the best I’ve come across. The build is monstrous (those feet!) and everything about it screams ‘quality’. I even love the pads, they’re hard yet squishy. Sampling is ridiculously easy and fun. Chopping samples is also super easy, and each chop can play until the end of the sample rather than ending at the beginning of the next sample. I’ve been on it for hours every day for the last week and when I’m not on it I want to be.


Yeah I love the pads on it. I come from Maschine some I’m used to softer pads compared to the MPC with it’s harder pads. And somehow like how you describe they are squishy and hard at the same time.

The sound engine is also just so damn good. It colors sounds very nicely and its outputs, especially with the analog filters turned on, does an amazing job at glueing everything together. Cannot wait for the analog filter and dsp effects cards.

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Have been a subscriber to Flux with it for a few years now and got to follow the process on this from the start. It’s quite the dream people were hoping for it seems. Really hope to one day get to play one.


Yes it really does. Anyone who has listened to me for five minutes knows how much I love Live but I’ve never heard samples come out of Live sounding this good. I’m using stock kick/snare/hat samples I’ve hoarded and neglected for years and they sound gorgeous on the S2400. Also love how useful the USB is. I have Live sending clock to the S2400 and it syncs up nicely, plus I sample out of Live to the S2400 via USB. And transferring files via MSC mode. It’s just a dream, honestly.

Same. Not so much the effects but definitely the filters, especially as they’ll have LFOs.

Maybe you’ll be lucky like me and grab one off an early backer who isn’t interested in selling for a profit. :smiley:

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yeah the DSP chip I’m not as excited for except that they might be able to wrangle the power from the chip to do other things on the device. Even if its just your standard effects though I think it’ll be nice to have all of those sounds coming out of the device at once, again, for gluing purposes.


I doubt I’ll ever spend money on a sampler again with the OT. Pretty much sealed the deal for me as I’m a bit of a scratch-aholic on the fader.


I love having a crossfader in the studio, wouldn’t be without one now. The OT crossfader made the one on the APC40 Mk2 feel so much more useful, as it turned out that mapping different things to it within Ableton Live was super easy and led to some cool places. Mapping the mix control of a nasty distortion in Trash 2 and subtly riding the fader as a loop plays leads to some really nice, organic crunch that doesn’t sit still. :smiley:


I’d be well up for a S2400 if there was a UK distributor (like Synthax Audio is for RME, Ferrofish). I’d be worried if anything f**ked up and having to send to the US and handle that responsibility especially as its about £1800 to buy in the UK. It’s looks like a great bit of kit though.

There’s a couple on reverb. No bargains but one has been listed for a month.