Isla S2400

Hes a man of his word. Hes running at that price without any profit. So after today (hes said it a few times so lets see its going upi to the retail price. Its been enormously supported.

Edit: I got the dates mixed up. The price is being hiked up on the 15th of this Month.


I was interested until I saw the price, that’s a bit of a joke. You could get an OTmk2 brand new and S950 for that, even at retarded ebay prices. It’s a 12 bit sampler, not a time machine. I guess it can do more, but you’re buying it for the 12bit surely?

You could probably just about get an og MPC60 instead.

The latter price + import to be clear.


Classic sound but modern interface, modern storage, sequencer, waranty etc…


is it better quality than the kordbot?

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What does this have to do with anything?


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You bought a Kordbot then?

I bought two

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I don’t think if I rephrased the question that it would make it any clearer, isn’t it self explanatory?

on second thought maybe I’ll try… being that it’s from the same developer as the kordbot, naturally I wonder about quality comparison… on paper they both look like great products but I’m curious if the build quality is in the same vein as the kordbot or of better quality?

It’s on another level.

Firstly the machine that it was inspired by (and, for which, Brad used to make mods) is a more solid unit and meant for a different (more vigorous and percussive, if that makes sense) style of physical interaction to the Kordbot. The S2400 case alone is a solid piece of industrial engineering. Check the meaty aluminium cheeks, for one, along with the decent gauge of the other panels.

Also, having followed his build updates closely, my impression is that Brad has learnt a lot from his experiences with Kordbot and has poured all of that into his choice of all of the off-the-shelf components and custom components. I have no doubt that switchgear fetishists will be well satisfied.

Definitely worth watching the latest video all the way through and also some of Brad’s previous direct update videos to get the full picture.


some good points in there, I don’t even mind the price if he gets this right

My point is, we’ve been given a pretty close look at the componentry of this thing, at just about every stage of its development to date. It seems to me that Brad has gone out of his way to openly discuss the build, his process, and the rationale behind most of the important decisions that he has had to make along the way. In fact, he himself has instigated several conversations about the integrity of the SP’s construction. Never mind that it’s a completely different product, and a clear step forward in that regard. And I’m not even following this project all that closely.


sure, but all of that was done with the kordbot too, being transparent is just the way he does things in the beginning and its something I like, but at the same time I’m not the touchy feely tinder type of user base, I only care about the end product performance and build quality… it sounds like the later of those two issues is looking good so I’m hopeful. I’m definitely looking to be more satisfied than I was with the kordbots when the time comes.


Well then, consider that you’re asking a bunch of people about the performance and build quality of a product that they have yet to actually see, touch, or use. How could you expect to solicit any meaningful information beyond either a vote of confidence based on what I said above, or more cynical opinions from those using the same reference points as yourself?

It seems to me that if you’re genuinely concerned about it—once bitten, twice shy, as it were; fool me once, and all that—then you should simply wait for some real-world feedback, and not be the guy rushing in. Assuming that’s what you did with the Kordbot; hence why you’re skeptical now.



I hadn’t presumed to know whom on this forum had time with one and whom hadn’t, but thanks for your insight.


thanks for this



It’d be awesome if he showed how he put it together on the SP2400 and commented on how it felt versus the OG.


The feedback from all the beta testers is coming in this month.

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I reckon we are mostly hearing Ski’s skills, he can do that on most samplers old, new and out of fashion in between-ish.

Full-workflow vids would be nice!