Jamuary 2020 - any plans?

The use of Vox here is great! Has a Willy Wonka feel to it for some reason. Maybe that’s just me!

Oh the DFAM is a weird one :upside_down_face:

Here my first 7 days. I hope continue until 31. Mostly elektron machines for now.









can‘t keep up with jamming :upside_down_face:anyway. here is a little boom bap on the ipad

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combo of dreadbox and preen samples

I spent a good part of my morning exploring these. You seem relaxed. I really liked them, especially #2!

This was sick, The only thing I would change is that I want more!

Great, very spacious! I love all the stuff wiggling around in the mix, it has me thinking about the way I mix things, which tends to be very cramped. Thanks!


Yeah, I was in holydays… but it was finished, return to reality, maybe the next would be more anxiety. I’ve just record day 8 : https://www.instagram.com/tv/B7EZKwQILOb/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

I think is less relaxing :smiley:

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I appreciate your kudos

thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah I ordered them cheap from China and liked them a lot at first but I think it feels more cramped to work with. I think I did more twiddling without them. Meh. Maybe I’ll get some smaller ones since I really do think they look better.

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My previous ‘use this to record video for Instagram’ Behringer interface crapped out and like an idiot, I didn’t realize that my main interface connects directly to an iPhone. So, I’ve been a terrible jamuarist.

^why that preview image is broken, I’ll never know. Anyway, it’s Digitakt + modular granular


Yea I thought about that “cramped” bit. Good to know!

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Nice tunes everyone! Here goes a little digitakt + grandmother doodle for another beautiful day of jamuary https://www.instagram.com/p/B7FNU6SnkBF/?igshid=nl9mykgdt9k

  1. Expanding on the previous patch.

My first jamuary session with my buddies MD & DN.


more use of rawcutz samples

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junglist #spamuary2020

using an irig 2 with current iOS has occasional digital clicks. bah

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  1. which is at least 2 more than I assumed I could do. Can’t seem to move off of 71 bpm though.

This is MachineDrum and Digitone. Machine drum has 3 dry channels and 2 more copied channels going into the Euroack. Specifically into an overdriven Flight of Harmony Plague Bearer. From there It gets fed back into itself through both an ErbeVerbe and an MMG. A Pressure Points (clocked by the MD) then does simple preset changing on the feedback path to get various timbres out of the feedback. Turing Machine does similar stuff. Digitone has 2 channels of drums to beef up the MD and then the melody line, which is played straight off the DT’s keyboard.


Meditation music? Or is it not ambient? Tom?

Again an ESQ1 doing sounds and sequencing. Microkorg on bass-duty

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Very cool stuff on the jamuary front. Wow. Did a thing with just the digitone and a tape recorder today.


I’ve just record this generative stuff around Digitone sequencing Volca drum and MB33.

Happy with the final result. I’ve recorded the video too… but not so good, maybe I upload the video later to IG.