Jamuary 2020 - any plans?

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  1. This one did not come together. But I guess that is the point of this whole thing. I like the video though.

Was trying to do a different feedback patch for the drums, but I think the audio routing got to complicated and there weren’t enough points in the patch where CV changes made enough impact. Going to try again today and start simple.

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I dunno mate, sounded pretty good to me. Love the MD beat when it comes in.

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Really like the vibe I hit last night (11/11 so far)

  1. Rene driving the modular voice. Melodies by digitone. Distant beats by machine drum and zoia.

Managed to squeeze in a couple of jams during the week after changing my setup a little bit (replaced OT with MnM for a change).

This one’s a Dreadbox Nyx (overdubbed) noodling. Took it out of the box after some months, which is usually a mistake if you try to decide whether you should sell something or not. Yeah, not selling.

#8 is a one-bar rhythmic loop on the Monomachine with some MD laid on top.

#9 is also Monomachine. For me, MnM jams often end up somehow funny-sounding to my ears, which is not the case with most of my music.

#10 is yet another MnM jam (and an exception to the funny-sounding MnM jam rule) with the lead at the end courtesy of the Analog Four preset named Banjo.

tried to avoid participating in this due to my diploma-project (have to hand it in next wednesday…), but procastination forced me to upload this :rofl:
it’s a jam, raw, unmastered, not mixed.
but it’s material for an audiovisual installation in cologne, may 2020.
gear used:

SOMA ETHER (towards the end)

jamuary <3

digitakt and preen fm

yesterday was late had work please forgive, also loweffort, was just messing around in ableton with the automation lanes, they are fun

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Machine drum in a custom ZOIA patch. Melody and bass courtesy of Digitone into reverb.

The zoia patch was me trying to get useful feedback from a couple of simple reverbs a delay and some overdrives.


Rocked the Digitone for pure FM percussive glitchy goodness.

You know, one of the more interesting aspects of this, which hit me while re-listening to the 12 pieces last night, is that it really highlights what some of my fall back tendencies are, both from a composition stand point and just my approach to making music in general.

My ‘comfort’ process (the process that happens when I dont have a lot of time to noodle) is:

  1. have an idea for a sound/processor
  2. build that weird sound/ processor
  3. refine this until its doing something interesting (which in non jamuary terms could be months)
  4. find a melody/ harmony I can play over/ play with the sound or processor

The incredibly tight deadlines (at least for me) for Jamuary have put this process into really sharp focus. There are certainly occasions where I have a melody, or baseline, or drum pattern I want to explore, and I build from that. But it appears that when the chips are down Make a technically obfuscated noise , play over that noise is my go to form.

It will be interesting to subvert this process post Jamuary.


Experimental/random/ambient/idm jam for today. Mood is so crazy for this stuff :smiley:

Oddly timed rhythms on a techno tip:


i love almost-vocal patches on the a4mkii

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the more i share the more insecure i become or press control alt delete
watched some movies with the gal today and made this throughout the day after work.

  1. Due to gear excitement over the the empress announcement I made Zoia as the primary synth voice.

Good job keeping this up. You’re going to be a machine by the end of this month.

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It’s more stubbornness than anything else. I’ve learned a bunch during this though, way more than during inktober, which has always been more of an excercise in stretching my drawing muscles.