Least favorite vegetables?

Don’t know what they’re all about, but I’ve tried a pickled one recently and that’s the last time I’ll be putting one of those anywhere near my plate.

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Artichokes are like the crab of the plant world but a lot less rewarding. Better not try to eat one due to hunger as you’ll be more hungry after an hour of scraping that little bit of flesh of the leaves.

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whatever rhubarb is it can f**k right off, now that i think about it


That is all…

Lots of hate for celery?

While I am not into scoping cream cheese or peanut butter with celery sticks… :frowning:

How do you make a mirepoix without it? or a stew, chicken soup, braised lamb shanks, ossobuco or beef bourguignon…


Bagna cauda is also good with celery. People need to do some de-ribbing around here. I was at some Greek supermarket recently and saw a jar of dried celery leaves on the herb shelf which since I have been using a lot.

Yup… carrot, onion and celery are the base of most stuff I cook from scratch such as stews, soups, pasta sauces etc


peas, Peas, PEAS!!

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I’m flattered to be cooked with such an enthusiastic weirdo but combined and over indulged we could potentially cause IBS.


Exactly and celery is in a lot of good sauces, sometimes as a “secret” ingredient…

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I also really like bell peppers but they are way better from the farmers’ market, because the store ones are often encased in “food grade wax” which is not a vegetable but is something I definitely don’t like.

I did not know eggplant was a fruit. Now I hate it more. Just because.


Is that the seaweed that supposedly tastes like bacon but very much doesn’t?

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Possibly it is very salty like bacon. Sadly bacon is lovely salty juicy meat but this tastes like eating an old shoe

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The worst has got to be zucchini/squash. Makes me want to gag everytime it gets snuck into my food :joy:

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I think if one vegetable had to be removed from the mothership ark fleeing a doomed earth it would have to be the onion. I loved pickled onions when I was younger but nowadays I find their presence in anything somewhat offensive and I’m pretty sure they give me headaches, Many people are allergic to them, apparently.

Shrek strongly disagrees :onion:

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I was dupped into buying a bag of it which is sitting in a cupboard here and found it too salty to even add to miso soup.


same here. Not that I don´t like it at all, but the whole thing is too much. A tiny bit of it is really nice to spice up soups, salads or whatever. Fennel only makes sense to me when you cook for many many people.

I shave fennel very thin on a mandoline, dress with olive oil, sherry vinegar, salt and pepper, and have it as a side salad.


I go the opposite way with fennel: the bomb only chopped and cooked for hours in soups or pot beans. Fronds are good in a bouquet garni.