Make Noise/Soundhack Spectraphon

lols. nice james cigler for 1 frame about 20 seconds in. he did the OG makenoise videos for the pressure points and brains.


They keep this shit up they risk disappointing the audience with what they release because the device the audience created with their imaginations is going to be way cooler.


Think this is a really good point because it’s definitely something a lot of manufacturers have suffered. The use of sounds and visuals for teasers “accidentally” leads to us promising something occasionally more exciting.

This is what I loved about the minifreak drop, didn’t give me time to think of what it should be and ended up appreciating it a lot more for what it really was.

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I love this video.
I’d love a rectangular semi-desktop form factor.
I love Make Noise semi-modulars.
:heart: Make Noise.


:notes: Make Noise! Make Noise! :notes:
:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: :goat:

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The more I think about it the more I think this is it, not that it totally narrows it down. I’m not convinced they’d have these kinds of teasers for a module, feels like too much hype. It’s kind of reminiscent of the Taiga teasers.

My bet is on some kind of stereo effects counterpart to their existing semi-modular family, or something more standalone like Cascadia that attempts to be a self-contained instrument

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Anyone that was put off by that teaser should just stop following this.

I joke, I say this greedily cause I don’t want you all crowding the ‘order’ button when it comes out.


Lots of references to field recording, repetition, speed changes and reversal - does strongly imply looper/tape stuff! I think it’ll have a mic.


I expect it’ll act like a tascam tape machine, similar uses to the way Cortini uses his with the intention of being more out of other devices e.g obviously Strega in particular

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I think its a mixer


its def the long awaited elektron performance mixer with sequencer, fx, faders and individual out


I think it a crossfader

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Esion Edam


at the 5 minute mark, there lurks a 0- device in the ambient light.
it seems like it only has one big white knob, which none of the other 0- devices have.


Such “Planet Nine” vibes!

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Skcollob era sresaet.


Listening again to the main video with fresh ears, I do like most of the sounds here, the modulating harmonies almost like a stereo take on Verbos’s harmonic oscillator sort of sound, but the apparent 3- and 4-note chords don’t make much sense of the A and B and tape-oriented hints

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Yeah and using the 0-Ctrl man/symbol is odd for 0-Tape speculations too. So maybe this is more of a “poly” sound generator (desktop or module) with 0-Ctrl touch plates for playing it? I can imagine a Make Noise Lyra in a way. My other thought is that this is a new stereo module that will be part of a stereo system to replace the System Cartesian.

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