Make Noise/Soundhack Spectraphon

Yes but what about Mimeophon?! I’m still open to being sent one of those!!


What are you talking about?

Oh please, semi-desktop is very tempting but I have little interest in Eurorack. Would be good news to me :sweat_smile:

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For starters, try to get the replay speed to be exactly 1x.


Mimeophon is magical and extremely versatile. I would offer to share mine with you but I have it plugged in at the moment. Would love to work out a larger Elektronauts module exchange though, sounds like a great way for all of us to try some things out before spending more $$ on owning them.

Even the strongest minds will go mad chasing the illusory “green zone.”


I’m still hoping they’re only announcing new tshirt designs


:smiley: I was just joking around and angling for intel on whether Mimeophon is as neat an effect as it seems like from demos. I personally don’t have a rack (yet, maybe one day) but a forum for module swapping sounds like a cool idea.


Oh yeah Mimeophon is every bit as cool as it seems. Karplus-strong synthesis, feedback experiments, short/glitchy delays, long loops that evolve over time, it can do it all.

Could be a good excuse to put together an external effects processing rack…


I’m going to guess a stereo SoundHack oscillator. I’m begging for more SoundHack effects, but I never get what I want :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Totally agree with this. Coolest delay with neat reverb and turn a knob all the way up to listen to the last 40 seconds on loop.


My first rack was Morphagene and Mimeophon in a 4MS Pod. I got them after 0-Coast, Strega and 0-Ctrl.

Definitely don’t need to go all out, and Mimeophone to me is worth diving in. Still, you see them come up on the used market, so can’t be a complete love fest.

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I offloaded my Mimeophon a while back and do miss it - it’s a fairly simple effect really but does its thing very well and nothing else quite touches it - has some quirks though IMO - I’d like to see a v2 at some point - I hate the Halo effect I’d like a nicer reverb - and there are a couple minor bugs that I assume can’t be fixed with no way to update firmware. I could never really get much from the filter either and I didn’t like it when it was pushed into feedback. But the Zone/Repeats interaction was a joy to play with once you had a sequence running into it - really nice way to bring variation to tracks in a way that other delays just don’t manage IMO. Skew is also fun - more interesting than a regular ping pong type effect.


You pretty much have to commit to liking this sound, but halo is not a vanilla reverb… it is full of character and resonant.

I love Ping Pong mode, and don’t use the skew option as much, but I should use it more.

The color is interesting because it doesn’t behave like other filters, even when compared to other delays that have a filter on the repeats. They do say it affects the timbre of the repeats so maybe there’s something more going on than just a filter.

I absolutely love the sound of it and use it often, but also for sequencing effects and not just a delay. Same goes for Halo… I like it best sequenced, or even just modulated with a random source.

They did fix my biggest issue with it and that was the noise when color was pushed past unity. THat update came I think a couple months ago?


Ah that’s interesting! How do you update the firmware though? :thinking:

The main problem I ran into was the unwanted doppler when first moving the Time knob after receiving external clock. Basically made the knob unusable for me once I’d ‘started’ a track - it was (ironically) a more extreme doppler than using the dedicated input, and there isn’t supposed to be any when externally clocked :man_facepalming:Always bugged me so hopefully they fixed that.

But yea I appreciate some will like the Halo and feedback, all to taste of course, but whenever I tried using Halo it just sounded bad to my ears. I’d rather a Beads style 1-knob reverb personally.

You update by playing an audio file into the Left channel of Mimeophon. First power on while holding Skew and you can play the file.

I honestly had no idea it was possible until reading on MW about it… well reading some argue about the noise fix that some said wasn’t there in the first place (but it was there for me too).

Comparing to the reverb on Beads might be a bit unfair… it’s a gorgeous lush verb. The only one more lush than that is the one on Hologram’s Microcosm. :heart_eyes:

Halo IMO does get a bit metallic when maxed.

I like using both Beads & Mimeophon, but please keep in mind that right now those are my only two dedicated reverbs in the rack.
Hector has IR reverb, but it’s pretty taxing on CPU, so I haven’t used it this way yet.

I’m not familiar with the doppler effect when clocked… I’m gonna play around with it to see if I can recreate it… and I’m also wondering it maybe it was more obvious with skew engaged.

I’ll check it out tomorrow, but either way I do think Mimeophon falls into that category of being a character delay/reverb.
Even though the manual shows lots of sonic range when using the color knob, I still think of the module as a coloring tool, which is why I completely understand why some might not like it, or even just not like it for everything.


Yea absolutely, metallic is how I would describe it too - and for some folks that’s gonna really butter their toast! To keep me happy and to avoid angering those that love it it would need different modes really.

I always clocked mine so that was a fairly consistent annoyance, I actually just googled the bug and found a post from me on Modwiggler :sweat_smile: There was at least a confirmation from a kind internet stranger that I wasn’t going mad. Would be good if they resolved that.


I’m starting to wonder if it is a effects box, but stand alone. Wavefolding obv.


I don’t think so. The headphone jack they plug it into is the XOH module, would be kinda weird to have that shown if the device itself is standalone.

Who knows tho


Maybe it’s a couple modules together, “System” style


Yea the latest couple teasers leave me assuming that it’s a module.

Or maybe they’re trying to throw us of the scent :male_detective:

Aye, I was thinking that it looked it was housed in a Makenoise skiff in that teaser. Sounds really nice so I’ll definitely be keeping my eyes peeled for this one.

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