Me and my Fusion System

I love your sounds here but you aren’t helping me with regard to eurorack lust. I’ve struggled to think about how to get started, what modules to buy etc and this tempts me to just buy a pre-rolled system.

Or a Lyra 8, capable of mad drones but much cheaper!

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lyra is not modular
they got pulsar 23, good luck with your gear lust :wink:

This is really nice, man!

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Building a Eurorack system seems like such a ballache, especially with all the stupid names half the modules seem to have these days. Much easier to buy a full system built by someone who knows what they’re doing.
Iike Erica’s stuff, it all says what it is on the front, is laid out logically and, most importantly, sounds great.

I also have a Lyra and love it for very similar reasons. I will always recommend getting a Lyra.


Thanks, man. How you getting on with the Polivoks system?

Co-signed. Like if you have strong opinions about what you want from a vco or vca by all means spec it all up, otherwise a pre-made you like the sound of has a lot going for it. It’s still modular so u can swap stuff out as you like down the line. Make noise have some cool systems too imo.

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I know Lyra isn’t modular but it’s an amazing drone machine and that’s one of my main interests. I’ve actually got a bit tired of trying to produce full pieces of music and I’d like to just be able to switch off after work and just experiment and “zone out” a bit with sound design. The Lyra or a modular system would both work I think.

The expense of eurorack has never stopped scaring the crap out of me, but perhaps it’s worth it!

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One setup I used to have with the Lyra is that I used a Super Ego pedal, which allowed me to split the signal, sending the clean Lyra to one channel and the effect loop and frozen super ego signal to another, and then process each however I wanted.
It was bloody marvellous for drones.

Surgeon does gigs with pretty much just a Lyra, a synth and a looper pedal. As much as modular is fun and that, it’s not necessarily the answer. I bought the Fusion system for the tubes as much as anything, because I really wanted that nasty tube amp sort of crunch, and didn’t want to fork out for a Sunn amp.


Ive always wanted a Super Ego pedal…
Could be really cool with my DK’s Individual outs…
Which version of it did you/do you have?
I have wondered if, for synths at least, its worth the extra dough for the newer version, or if the old one would suffice…

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I had the original Super Ego. I had a bunch of other FX, so didn’t see the point in the plus. I sold it in the end, can’t remember why, I do miss it though.

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Sadly have had only 2 sessions with it because of some chronic back issues I’ve been having. If only I could jam with it while laying on the floor.

I’m looking forward to getting back to it. I’ll let you know how it goes.


That sucks, hope you get better soon.


Same here, especially since this year, videocalling all day and now way to escape a computer for my work, I need less menu diving, less screen time and less thinking.
I bought matriarch, a lot to learn, but without understanding always successful. Now a pulsar is on its way.
Crazy expensive, so I have to sell other stuff with screens. I think I will sell my maschine and my octatrack.

Nice riff and pretty sick sound. Do you sequence the Fusion in any way? (I know nothing about the Fusion, going to watch a few videos now)

Titles were funny.

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I’m controling the Fusion system with the DB01, just playing an arp, so both the Fusion System and DB01 are playing the same 3 notes, but with very different tunings, envelope and filter settings. So within that riff there’s three oscillators, three subs and a ring mod signal from two triangle waves feeding back into one of the oscillators, then you’ve got two filters to sweep about so you can emphasize different aspects at your leisure, making one bar go quite a long way, at least in terms of timbre.

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I didn’t realise the DB01 had CV, nice. That makes it a perfect companion for the Fusion.

I see the Fusion has a filter motion recorder, that’s a neat feature.

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Yeah, it’s got quite a bit of CV control in and out, pretty useful and the sequencer is really good.

The filter mod recorder is really good. I thought it was a bit of a gimmick at first, but it works really well and frees up the modulation module for other things. It also puts out a gate signal, which is really useful too.
It doesn’t necessarily look like it on the surface, but it’s a very comprehensive analogue synthesizer, the fact that it’s modular is almost secondary. There’s a few normalled connections too, so you don’t need a huge amount of patching to get things going.


Quick response from erica. Nice:

No worries- It is safe to patch all modules- you can’t damage them by ‘‘wrong’’ patch.
If you patch your modules incorrectly you will simply have no sound.“

I forgot to include mixing cv, gate and audio
I just asked about ins and outs circuit protection. I hope everything is included in this answer. I think from probably patching often wrong on 0 coast…

I hope dreadbox have also some protection now, on erebus mk1 manual was stated to nerver connect an output to another out etc, can cause serious damage…


dis is fkkn good
pls keep us updated on yr patchy trips

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Moar Doom.

Arrangement and composition is pretty terrible, but there are a few points in it where it’s getting close.