Me and my Fusion System

Big fuck off drone with Lyra and Fusion System.
A little bit of help from the DB01.


Starting to form something like actual tracks with it now.

This one is Fusion system, Lyra and Cobalt 8m.
And Quadraverb, obviously.


Noise time.


Oooof that fucking drone maaate!

Sounds super heavy, lovely and harmonically rich. I was well transfixed. Have you heard of U.K. psyche-doom band Bong? It was really reminiscent.


I’m not a modular guy but the erica stuff is right up my alley. This is exactly the sound I’m looking for.


I’m exactly the same.

Not into modular at all, but Erica (and Soma) make gear that makes the sounds in my head.


I guess we both want our synths to sound like down-tuned metal guitars.


Sorry, more skronky noise. I’ve been trying to push it as far as it’ll go, but it just keeps getting more and more crusty. I’m not sure this thing has a limit I can push it beyond, it’s incredible.

I’ll do some subtle stuff soon, I promise.


The first half is interesting, i hear beats and melodies that probably aren’t there. Then the last section is what being fed into a meat grinder toes first would sound like.


Maybe its time to call an exorcist.
Btw saw a nice interview with the former ( or still?) drummer from sepultura (when he visited them to get a fusion system) on erica website.
My story with this guy: he gave me an autograph as a teenager, its the only autograph i ever got.

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Is that what you told your neighbours?

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I’m not even sure if they were there mate.

Love Sepultura, love Iggor Cavalera.

Believe it or not, most of these tracks are recorded at about 1am at very low volume. My little zoom recorder can be set to have very sensitive inputs.


Some blackish doom sort of drone thing.

Just Fusion System, Lyra 8 and a Quadraverb.


Awesome! I’m a big fan of their modules and have a black wave table VCO and black dual VCF in the way. I’d love a Dada or techno system but for that much cash, I’d rather just get a few Erica modules and other cool stuff to fill out my new Doepfer monster case.

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Still loving the Fusion system?

Yep, love it.

I’ve dropped the delay/flanger/ensemble module and integrated it with my DFAM and a few other bits in a bigger case.

Here’s a rough old track I did the other day with it supplying bass and other twiddly bits along with DFAM and Lyra.


D’ya call that modesty?

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Cheers. Sounds good as always.

I remember a while ago you said you planned to play live at some point - how do you think you could do that using this setup? Do you think you’d have to use a looper (or octatrack)?

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That’s been a big part of the journey. I wanted a setup that I can just pack up and go play with minimal fuss, so I’ve put the fusion system, DFAM and other bits in a 2x104hp suitcase. I’ve then got the Octatrack which I can just throw in a backpack with my Lyra and I’m all set.

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Tastes like gravel, I like it.