Me and my Fusion System

Reckon you can play an hour with that setup?

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Well I’ve been pondering that exact question these last few days and I’ve found myself a little short in terms of timbral variety, so I’ve just ordered the module version of the Quadrantid Swarm to replace a few bits of modular that weren’t really doing much for me.

So now my full live setup will be my suitcase with the Fusion System, DFAM and QS in it, all going into my Octatrack, which will then leave 4 tracks free for whatever samples I need (mostly hihats, breaks, atmosphere, whatever).

I’m 50/50 on whether I’ll include the Lyra or just take a bunch of samples of it to keep myslef light.

I think the biggest problem I have is the complete lack of contacts or inroads into playing live round here, especially given my complete lack of social media presence, but I’m sure I can figure that out.

And finding time to practice so I don’t suck.

There’s that.


Jam video.

Because I’m a hipster now.

Also, the shitty video FX are just to cover up how terrible my camera phone is.


Sounds like the entrance to the gates of hell. I like it.

Where’s your cactus then?

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I love this stuff man.

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Not yet retro enough.

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Cthulhu will claim us all.

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I don’t think I’m allowed to answer that question on here. There’s guidelines.

Thanks, so do I.

Retro, no.
Bit I did have a pair of flares when I was 16 that were so big you could smuggle a couple of refugees in under them.

And I await his coming with great anticipation.

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Why settle for the lesser evil?

This is awesome. Seriously primordial shit. Sounds like a train being torn apart in slow motion by the Great Devourer.



nice! is the reverb all Quadraverb?

Makes me want to smash shit up

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The Great Old Ones transcend such labels as good or evil.

Mostly, but there’s a bit of dark reverb on the Fusion System and quite a bit of spring reverb, both actual from the QS and pretend from the OT on the Lyra’s Thru track.


Nice… dark and dirty. You’re in film score territory there

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Sounds like a whole sequence of great decisions to me…

dont forget Shub Niggurath, you guys…
you know, The Black Goat of the Woods With a Thousand Young…


So basically any male goat…

The one we had here has not got to that stage yet, but it is in his future plans, apparently.

Shub-Niggurath or Black Phillip he is not - more of a good-natured fashion model, really.

(Not sure how off-topic this is getting, if it matters)


Nice goat.

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He’s very mellow. For a goat.


More droney shite, ruined by Lyra at the end.


Love it man, you’ve got a great sound. Making me really miss making modular music…I got a sick parent in the hospital so I’ve had to step up to take care of my ma, fuck around trying to deal with strict hospital infection shit, so I’ve only had my OT to focus on very briefly. I really need to sit and knock out some heavy drones, and I’ve been able to grab my bass amp while I’m here for some extra grit. I can’t wait to have a day to myself with my case.

Keep up the hipster shit my man, my camera is proper dink, so filters and a Roland go soundcard goes along way. I’d love to see you play a set!

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