Me and my Fusion System

I’m supposed to be doing that hip-hop challenge on my OT, but the Fusion System keeps looking at me. I’m gonna have to play with the OT somewhere else…

That sucks having sick parents, but family comes first. Makes you appreciate the time you have.

Unlikely in the near future, but I’m planning on doing some longer, more performy videos at some point. The way things are round here, any thoughts of gigs is a long way away.

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Thanks man, it’s tough but needs to be done. I’m on the same page about live gigs too, I’m not feeling the pull atm so in a few weeks me and a few ex band mates are gonna book out some practice space and just get used to playing together, and I can smash my modular through some big tube amps, and get back to playing guitar and bass.

I’m hoping to stream a new e.p I’m working on too, but I need a decent camera I reckon. Will keep my eyes peeled for your stream/video if and when you do it.

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Digging this one too… Brutal towards the end. That greentone aesthetic totally fits… Could imagine some industrial hellscape cuts blended in


Yeah, there’s a rehearsal place just up the road from me with a decent PA and a couple of bass amps. I keep meaning to book a couple of hours so I can go silly and break my ears.

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Nice idea, might give it a go.

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Just the Fusion System and a bunch of FX from the OT.


Listening to this while a heavy 3 mile coal train grinds by on the tracks is a good mix I tell ya. Great work

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blueslawyer and the flower pot guys opening?

I think I dated them once!

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Your music shares the same colours as my soul
Or some such
Tearing the very air open
As it comes through

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bloody love this. Played it at about 2am last night a few times and back for more now! REALLY loud through my monitors. love. it.

What are you using to play/sequence the notes? Keystep or OT?

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Thanks, I like it too.

Korg SQ -1 being clocked by my Quadrantid Swarm which is being clocked by my OT via midi at 30 bpm and then lowering the clock divider on the QS to it’s minimum, which is so slow that the clock into the SQ-1 starts drifting about a bit and goes a bit wonky, but sort of stays in time too.


Fucking hell I love this thing.

Just Fusion System, Lyra and Quadraverb (and a couple of FX from the OT).


Youre slacking on your hip hop battle thingamajig. Not that I’m mad at this…
it makes me really wish i werent mostly deaf in one ear and that i could hear it “right”

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Yeah, my right ear is all fucked up right now. The tinnitus on that side is louder than pretty much everything right now.


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This one is so beautiful. It sounds like a cello. Which synthesizer do you prefer, Lyra or Erica? I’m looking for a drone synthesizer to pair with my octatrack. I want to use it in my improv band. We play krautrock/postpunk like zoviet france, cluster and so on.

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Thanks, it really does, actually (totally by accident).

As a synthesizer, Erica. As an instrument, Lyra.

Erica is pretty quick to figure out, it’s basically a 2 osc subtractive synthesizer with a load of tubes strapped to it. It’s more versatile than the Lyra and definitely more predictable, but the Lyra just has something magical about how it sounds to me.

Anecdotally, and based entirely on my own experience, if you want background textures with occasional bursts of what the fuck, get the Lyra. If you want something a bit more “look at me” (from the point of view of how it sits in a mix) get the Erica.

I’ve never used either with others in a band situation, mind you, but you might find that some people struggle with the Lyra’s tuning (it’s basically never really “in tune” but somehow always seems to fit).


Thank you very much for your answer. At the moment I am playing a no-input mixer setup in combination with the Octatrack. This works pretty well and the right tuning is not really important to me. I think the chaotic nature of the Lyra is something I will appreciate.

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I think you will.

Yes! It’s so organic. I listened to it a few times at three in the morning before bed last night. Really great stuff. I’m liking this new direction @Fin25


Yeah definitely lyra for your thing, its an instant industrial soundscape machine.