Me and my Fusion System

Be careful: It’s almost melodic (and very good).


@Fin25 so what have you got left of the original Fusion system now?

loving the sounds coming out at the moment. Just spot on!

I see they have a Das Kleine Fusion without the Fusion Delay.

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New genre.

Thanks for listening.

Only sold the vintage delay/flanger module, wasn’t to my taste and unecessary with my other FX options, so I’ve basically got the Das Kleine Fusion System now, but with an added joystick module for modulation etc.

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Keeping this patch going for a bit…


Yes please…
Future collaborations will be pleased.
Super great, dirty cello/ almost human vocal sounds. Good stuff, old chap

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I spotted that. Is sacrificing the delay a good thing you think?

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It depends.
It is a really good module and adds a lot to the overall sound (not to mention making it stereo) but I found that I liked what my Quadraverb does better.
It’s better to think of it more as a chorus ensemble module than a delay.

Ironically, having sold it, I reckon it would make my current patch an absolute beast, the stereo ensemble is great, but I found it hard to get it to sit well in a mix because of it being a bit phasy.


I’m not a huge flanger/phaser fan to be honest, I’d rather drown in reverberation.

If you are tempted to buy one, have a good look around, I managed to get the complete system for the same price as the Das Kleine system off Juno.

It does play really nice with reverb. There’s something about driving a load of tubes into a quadraverb that just sounds fucking magic.

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I noticed the Juno price. All sold out. Im keeping my eyes open though.

Yeah, I don’t think they get many in, might be worth expressing an interest to them, they might sort you out. I’ve found Juno to be a very reasonable set of people to deal with.

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Fusion System and Lyra droning out for a bit.


I think it’s a shame that “The Singer, Part 2” is so short,
it’s like falling asleep on a bus and being woken up at the next stop.


I think I’ve got a longer version of it on my zoom. I’ll have a look in a bit.

I think my feeling was when I put it all together that The Singer was in danger of being a bit of an Apex Twin SAW2 rip off, so I just shortened it down to a sort of an interlude.

Me I find that it has its own personality, I do not see any scam,
i take the example of Autechre with “VLetrmx21”,
it is the duration and the progression which gives the title its crazy power.

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Here you go, bit longer, but also a bit rougher.

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This is one of the main inspirations for me, from a compositional point of view.

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Perfect !

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Sounds amazing that, needs a huge system with subsonic frequencies!

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That is so soothing on the ears. It’s like the electric machine version of a cat purring.

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