Miserable git's general and non-specific (but very inclusive) whingeing thread - If you've got thoughts about stuff, I'm your guy

They didn’t pay attention

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If people call a digital audio recorder a ‘tape recorder’
Does that mean people gonna start calling digital audio files as ‘tapes’?

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it means money can’t buy taste but it can buy tapes tm

I don’t know how to make the little tm logo, I can’t afford to know as I don’t have a sufficient portfolio

luckily italics is free.

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You have to upgrade to Elektronauts Gold, which also gives you a sidebar of tasteful nudes of your preferred gender(s).

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How much do I need to pay for the untasteful ones, I may be willing to take out a loan.


I’m afraid to ask how much Platinum costs.


A brace of scissors.



You know what really gets under my skin? This whole gear obsession that has taken over the music community. It’s like people have forgotten the actual purpose of making music and replaced it with a never-ending quest for the latest and greatest gadgets.

I mean, seriously, when did we become so consumed by the shiny toys that we forgot why we got into music in the first place? It’s not about spending hours watching YouTube videos, drooling over the specifications of some new synthesizer. It’s about the joy of creating something meaningful, something that resonates with others.

But no, we’ve become slaves to consumerism, convinced that the next piece of gear will magically transform us into musical geniuses. We spend more time organizing our gear and comparing features than we do actually making music. It’s madness!

And let’s not forget the absurd amount of money people are willing to spend on these things. I’ve seen musicians go broke, drowning in debt because they just had to have that expensive synthesizer or that high-end mixer. It’s like they’re trying to buy their way to success, as if talent and creativity can be replaced by a hefty price tag.

But here’s a wake-up call: gear doesn’t make you a better musician. It’s just a tool, a means to an end. The real magic happens in your mind, your soul, and your fingertips. It’s about the hours of practice, the exploration of ideas, and the dedication to honing your craft. No amount of gear can substitute for that.

So, let’s take a step back and reassess our priorities. Let’s remember why we started making music in the first place. It’s not about impressing others with our gear collection or getting lost in an endless cycle of envy. It’s about the pure joy of expression, the thrill of creating something that moves us and connects with others.

I’m on a mission to reclaim that joy, to break free from the chains of gear obsession. I refuse to let the pursuit of the latest gadgets overshadow the true essence of music. I will focus on cultivating my skills, experimenting with sounds, and pouring my heart and soul into every note I play.

So, to all the gear addicts out there, it’s time to wake up and remember what really matters. It’s time to put down the catalogs and pick up our instruments. Let’s create music that comes from deep within, music that speaks to our souls. Because in the end, that’s what truly matters - not the gear, but the passion and love we bring to our craft.

Now, I understand that this rant may come across as a projection of my personal struggle, but I believe it resonates with many others in the music community who have fallen victim to the allure of gear obsession.


I just have to say that I’m annoyed I missed a Miserable Git thread for MONTHS(and I blame it on the Syntakt)


That really chaps my ass


I think you’re all wrong.

I’ve no evidence for any of this, but you’re all definitely wrong.


I second the commotion.

the evidence is lack of cupholders.

what more do you need to convict, your honor?


No, not true! My cats said you’re wrong. So there!

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Don't blame it on the Digitakt....

Blame it on the boogie.

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I would NEVER!



@shigginpit im getting a LOT of mileage from this silly image :grinning:

Thanks again!