Moog Sub 37

yeah, just watched that earlier…for those that didn’t pre-order like myself wait is really long

edit a friend of mine happened to send me a link to that video a bit ago…to top it off, he informed me of a place that had a single unit in stock…ordered…ships tomorrow supposedly :slight_smile:

Since you’ve already ordered, would you mind telling us who had it in stock?

I’ve had mine on pre-order from Guitar Center for months, but it looks like now they will be the last ones getting it in the U.S.; was supposed to get it today, but they still haven’t received ANY units! They promised they are getting 200 units on August 21st…

As of yesterday, there is one shop that claims they actually have them in stock, so curious to see if it’s the same shop you ordered from…

I did the same thing. I did not pre-order and Humbucker music out of Georgia had extra ones. I ordered one and had it in two days. INCREDIBLE synth! Such a nice companion to my voyager but much more angry. :slight_smile:

I wish the voyager had some of the features that the sub 37 has.


Humbucker Music, I believe I got the last one. Not sure how many they had but looks like Easyjoey got his there too (before me).

Humbucker Music, I believe I got the last one. Not sure how many they had but looks like Easyjoey got his there too (before me).[/quote]

Ahh, ok. Never even heard of that store. Congratulations on your purchase(s)!

I should have known better than to pre-order with Guitar Center since in the past there was some bad blood between Bob Moog and GC, coupled with GC’s 1.6 Billion Dollar debt thanks to being bought out by Bain Capital…

Luckily I was able to cancel my pre-order just after I purchased one from Noisebug in Pomona California (coincidentally where I got my Big Briar Theremin oh so many years ago when they were still Analog Haven; before they split into two entities.)

I asked Noisebug why they had so many in stock (they had already sold a ton and had 11 more in stock, though some of those had just been ordered online) and they said they are one of the premier Moog dealers that actually help with product development. Good to know for next time…

Now to save up for the DSI Pro 2 and the [hopefully] forthcoming Korg Arp Odyssey ! Then my studio will be complete… or will it? :wink: Which reminds me of this little pictogram I found yesterday…

Haha, I saw that a while back…at least synth playing is better than being a bassist!

Regarding the gap issues, Moog immediately answered to that on their forum.

Regarding the left side panel: All Moog synthesizers are built with tolerances for manufacturing purposes, and so that they can be serviced quickly in the field. There is a small space on all Phatty synthesizer panels for this reason, however the particular LCD on the Sub 37 makes this tolerance much more obvious. In the case posted here, it appears that someone simply tightened the right side of the panel before the left. To fix this, simply loosen the two screws that line up with the presets buttons (there is one screw on the left wood panel and one on the right). Now, tighten the left screw so the panel fits tightly agains the wood, and then tighten the right screw. That should do it.

Regarding the keyboard: There is always going to be some slight variation in key height on a any key bed, but it should be imperceptible while playing. If you feel that the difference in key height on your key bed is more than subtle, please contact our service department immediately and we will address the issue.

Regarding firmware bugs: Most of the issues that users have identified have already been resolved in the latest firmware (v 1.0.1) update which is available on our website now.

You can download the latest Sub 37 firmware here:
[ltr] … nloads-tab[/ltr]

We have another firmware (v 1.0.2) update in process which will be available next week. Remember, to be notified about firmware updates immediately register your Sub 37 at [ltr][/ltr]. We’ve got some fun stuff coming soon!

Regarding bright LED’s: The brightness of the panel will be reduced in firmware update v1.0.2.
In a subsequent update we will add a brightness control which allows users to adjust the brightness level to their liking.

Thank you for all of your feedback regarding the Sub 37 Bob Moog Tribute Edition. We are listening. We are very excited that so many of you are getting your hands on what we feel is an amazing new artistic tool. Everyone at Moog appreciates your patience and support as we work on feature and function updates to maximize the flexibility of your instrument.

Stay tuned, there’s more firmware updates coming very soon.

-Your Friends at Moog

+1 Moog

I have been very pleased with the continued updates they release for the Minitaur.

Looking forward to playing the Sub37 next week.

I finally received my Sub 37 today. The hype is true, it is a thing of beauty! I do have the side panel gap issue, but it is very minor now that I see it in person. Keyboard is perfect. Sounds great! Already created a couple of my own patches… looking forward to creating new songs with it soon!

And it fits just right in my little studio (and I am now officially out of room.)

FYI: The user manual was also released today over on the Moog site.

I received mine as well. Amazing instrument…I got lost in it for a few hours before I realized I needed to come up for air.

It’s crazy how “modular” it can sound with the latch/loop envelopes and modulation destinations.

So much so that I would love a few more modulation sources…and while I’m dreaming, a few more oscillators too. :slight_smile:

At any rate, there is no doubt that it is a keeper for me.

Feel free to stick up a demo when you got time :slight_smile:. A demo that goes easy on the overdrive.

I got mine on order but doesn’t look like we’ll be seeing it in the U.K until September at least.

Been hearing good things but I’m yet to hear a demo that showcase it’s warmer side well.

man that’s a sweet den you got there!
Hows the aftertouch response on the sub37?

man that’s a sweet den you got there!
Hows the aftertouch response on the sub37?[/quote]

The aftertouch is ok, not much travel, which is either a good thing or a bad thing depending on what you are use to. In the past I used Ensoniq synths that all had Polyphonic Aftertouch with long travel, and my Waldorf Microwave XTk as well, but the Sub 37 seems to need to be pressed harder than I’m use to, but it sounds great!

I also did a quick demo, but not a smooth mellow one (I know everyone’s been asking for that, but that’s been done to death over the past 30+ years and the whole point of a new, modern analog synth like this is to push the boundaries, yes?) Anyway, this is a quick and really simple demo; 4 tracks of the Sub 37. I’ll do something better over the next few days -

^ I concur aftertouch seems a little stiff but maybe that’s because what I’m used to. As you said, it could be a good thing if that is what you like.

I will try to do some sound demos…unlike some of the chatter in other forums about people spending time with presets, I’m the opposite. 99% of the time, regardless of the synth, I’m usually starting from init, I find the journey fun…the problem is I get caught up in it many times because I enjoy it…usually not great for demos heh.

man that’s a sweet den you got there!
Hows the aftertouch response on the sub37?[/quote]

The aftertouch is ok, not much travel, which is either a good thing or a bad thing depending on what you are use to. In the past I used Ensoniq synths that all had Polyphonic Aftertouch with long travel, and my Waldorf Microwave XTk as well, but the Sub 37 seems to need to be pressed harder than I’m use to, but it sounds great!

I also did a quick demo, but not a smooth mellow one (I know everyone’s been asking for that, but that’s been done to death over the past 30+ years and the whole point of a new, modern analog synth like this is to push the boundaries, yes?) Anyway, this is a quick and really simple demo; 4 tracks of the Sub 37. I’ll do something better over the next few days -[/quote]
Great demo! The deep percussion sound, the “kick” was especially nice.
As for the aftertouch. I was hoping for it to be a bit stiffer. I have minibrute now (as you do I see). I love the synth but think the aftertouch is ridiculously “all or nothing” sensitive. I’m sure having a mod amount helps in that regard though, hey?

I agree with ya on presets. I think they’re cool to show what a synth can do but using them sucks all the fun out of the process. I like hitting the record button at init and recording “the journey” and slicing the audio into samples.

don’t get me wrong, the sub37 actually has some killer presets…however, it’s also not as easy to deconstruct them vs something like the A4

genshi: great video btw

another point as far as comparisons go…while the A4 has a lot of menu diving, it’s a pretty nice flow for having to do it…I find the sub37 more cumbersome when you actually do have to get into the menu…and there are definitely some things you may access quite a bit in the menu (depending on your style)…i.e. for me, the programmable modulation destination and the time division for filter envelope and amp envelope

the one thing I haven’t quite figured out yet is the SYNC on the different sections related to the bpm in the ARP section

it’s a deep instrument, loving it

oh genshi,

mine also had the gap issue but I haven’t bothered fixing it per the moog forums…for some reason it doesn’t really bother me :slight_smile:

and for the Minitaur owners, no polychain yet per Moog support…the way they worded the email it suggests that it may be coming though :slight_smile:

“At this time it is not possible to polychain the two units. However , that might be possible in the future! ;)”

Thanks regarding my video. :slight_smile:

And yeah, the gap isn’t bad enough for me to fix either. As for the polychain, I’m pretty sure it may be coming in the next 1.0.2 firmware update which should be within the next week. :wink:

I haven’t really explored the menu diving on the Sub 37, but it doesn’t look fun. So far I’ve just been happy twiddling the knobs and saving my own presets!

probably a dream for keyboard/performance ppl…I’m not great at keys really and I like modular stuff…that’s the only reason I end up in the menu…I don’t think most people would need to hit the menu often

I mean how often is someone going to want to change the beat division on looping/latched filter or amp envelopes? :slight_smile: