NINA, motorized analog synth from Melbourne Instruments

For those who have tried Nina: How snappy are the envelopes? Can it make convincing bass sounds in addition to great poly/pad sounds? If yes, this might be the perfect multi-timbral analog synth…

It was just a joke.

8 amps is a lot for a synth to draw (It’s all those drone motors obviously).

I was just thinking of how fast that would drain a car battery.

I guess this is why I’m a musician, not a comedian.




8 amps is pretty crazy… I can have my entire studio going and my power conditioner says it is only like 2 amps max and that’s only when the sub really kicks in.

Ok, it was about electricity/energy and not about amplitude. Got it. Thanks for the reply @JohntheSavage! Thanks for the info, I didn’t know about this.

8 amps @ 0.025 volts.

( Power in watts is volts times amps. You can’t measure power consumed by amps alone. )

BTW : These numbers are made-up-pretend too !

The power consumption of this thing will be bursty. The power supply has to be able to supply at peak, so you can’t calculate power consumption from max rated power on the power supply. The system regulates the power to the motors, so the holding force like on the virtual detents is far less than max.

This also means the motors run way below max capacity too, so they’re overrated for the need and likely have a long lifespan. ( mtbf - mean time before failure, is often how these components get rated. )


I agree. I have been using the Nina with an OXI One and use three parts of the Nina for synths and the 4th for a drum machine. Haven’t really used any other synths recently and haven’t even started using my Minifreak as the Nina has been 3 synths for me lately. Also, the quickness of modulations as well as changing the layer changes all of the pods, which becomes another synth, makes it hard to get away from that efficiency. Like going back to a flip phone (not really that far, I love my other synths).


Thank you @Jukka for sharing your knowledge, I really appreciate this. :heart::pray:

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The amps can be more important to know though because your circuit breakers, power conditioners, power strips, etc. all have a max they can handle before tripping, blowing a fuse, or catching on fire.

I’m also actually curious how much noise the motors (and current surges) introduce into the synth and/or into other gear in the system.

Sounds to me like you need to call an electrician, or the fire department.

None of that concerns me at all, with this synth.

What are you thinking of selling?

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That is the question. I’m not set yet. What I know, though, is the miniKORG is not going anywhere.

Yeah, i just want to know what you are considering so I can talk you out of it.


Maybe my AR Mk2.

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Still haven’t heard back from them about no sound. Sent an email and a form through their site.

The synth truly is special on so many levels, but I put in a return ticket to bhphoto. It’s too expensive to have this kind of issue and not have communication faster than this. Although it was Easter Sunday, maybe that’s playing a part…

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This is also NAMM and they’re exhibiting. What’s the internet like at 35,000 feet in the middle of the Pacific Ocean ?

Hey are you anywhere near LA ?

holy hell, that sound @44:05 is insane. I thought the M was the best sounding synth around but this might have a slight edge over it. not sure

that filter sounds like it might be a little nicer


I am in LA! Also great point, I forgot about NAMM.

Perfect – You want to see some guys squirm, show up in their booth unannounced with a dead unit, and ask them to fix it !

Mean of me, but I’ve done so many shows in my life as exhibitor. They’ll be jet-lagged, over-stimulated, and worn-out, so all they need is an angry customer making a scene !

But seriously, them being in town, they probably would like to do diagnostics, on a doa. I know i would.


I don’t have my unit yet, should I doubt? Anyone else has a faulty unit?

Tchu, i would be confident. It is very common early on to have some issues but, they also have been testing for a while too. Are you buying local ? If so then it wouldn’t be any issue for me. But hearing how this is resolved for ddiamond84, will be telling too.

Good success to you ddiamond84.