Octatrack MKII Anniversary Edition

Would be awesome if Elektron tracked this person down and interviewed him. :grinning: I just hope that the ESBTVS show format will continue and we’ll get more content like that somewhat regularly.

Anyway, as we’re in the AE Edition topic, I gotta say it looks absolutely amazing! I think it aesthetically captures pretty much the best of mk1 and mk2.


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Contrary for me. Spontaneus buyers regret and fear of being too complicated hit me hard. I cancelled it. it seems the above mentioned musix still has two or three. maybe they are just late updating or never had it. You can try.
Im getting a digitone (was mostly looking for another elektron sequencer) but cancellation regret is already real and someday I must try this crossfader.

Euh … :confused: :smiley:
I guess I can forget it.

What a joke of a price. I hope they never sell it :rage:


Sold it already mate

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How much was it for? Kinda makes even less sense to me to flip the OT AE right away and not hold on to it for a little while.

I get that this is a limited edition, it’s beautiful and I sure have collected a few things in my life but just in the last week I’ve seen the same functionality available in near-mint mk1s for 600€ in Finland (three different sellers). Makes one think…

I’ve sent a good message to him and he deleted right after :wink:


Not sure, he deleted. What a piece of …

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How much was it?

Around €3,400!!!

And I’m looking for one :frowning:

C**ts alive that a lot of money!


What!? (≈ x2.5) with the conversion in CAN$

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Free shipping tho :joy:


He didn’t reply to me :smiley:

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With Free Shipping, nothing to complain about then.


I got to go now, my local store opens in 30 min. I’ll go get my Gold mine.


Congrats :slight_smile: !

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Retirement fund. Good luck!