Off-topic chat about fun in Germany

Frankfurt Musikmesse, Freiburg, Kirchzarten, Lake Titisee,
I don’t know much else but I liked those places.

How does a vegetarian for breakfast in Germany?
And not taste the kebabs ? No currywursts !

Stollen, Christstollen…


You can watch “besseresser” , the whole Show is about imitating industry food and how it is a ripoff. Who would have thought? Lol. It is difficult to explain in English, but they often critisize when air and water are used to make the product larger. For some things it is just the nature of the industrial process.( cheetos, chocolate mousse, sausage as it needs cooling while mincing etc.)

There were free refills at mcd in Germany, I think they are gone. The only free refills I know of are at Five Guys.
The thing is when fr are only available at some stores, people tend to get greedy…
In Sweden it is common to have free refill for coffee. In my few weeks there I never saw someone drinking an absurd amount ( more than 4 cups to me)


Wer hat es erfunden ?


All breakfast I saw / ate in Germany was more like a deli platter of meats and cheese, was unfamiliar to me for breakfast foods.

unless you are at a place for a long time more than that is absurd, I don’t think that’s the expectation. maybe some people are more unregulated than others.

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An ocean of charcuterie.
For the musikmess, it is one of the best memories, just after the modular village and the Macbeth stand.


I’m from Leipzig originally. Love that city.

isn’t that just like our CRV?
looks up what CRV stand for
" California Redemption Value"
(is there more to america than california?)


survey says ----------



I’d love that to be an ambient drone piece.


I lived in Kieserslautern for two years to be able to buy my dog, who will be turning 9 this June.

Like anywhere you call home, I saw the best and the not so best of living in Germany.

I dabbled in making a video of a music festival while I was there.

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there is a hair metal cover band name somewhere in there


Just to add, I’m from Norway, nothing in Germany seems expensive


About 9 years ago

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There is no fun in Germany. Only work /s


That’s why we have the best game shows!


…came to berlin in my teenage years,…a few month later the wall came down…
while this april it’s gonna be three years i’m on pandemic exile already, out in da woods, lake right by, 40 minutes out of town…took my studio container with me from holzmarkt…
so, good timing was never an issue in my life…
have to hit back hard into da city this autumn finally…since i got pretty much nothing done for real in the last three years here…
but hey, i was a proffessional teenager all my life, made my money with nothing but music or music related stuff and some arty farty projects, had heaps of all sorts of fun…
so never considered it “work”…
but i’m afraid, all that is about to change…


That sounds kind of beautiful and kind of sad at the same time. So you’ve been living in a container somewhere in Brandenburg for the last few years …?

…nope…that container is my perfectly setted up studio workplace…i just don’t get anything done in there “recently”…while i’m living in one of the cabins here, since this place once was a summer camp back in the days, before the wall came down…

u can live right where u work, at least for a while…but u never can work right where u live…

while ur right somehow anyways…everthing should feel great and kind of perfect…waking up in ur bed, have a litte coffee, havin’ a walk in the woods and then go to ur studio and start working on whatever u like to work on today…but for some reason it just does not work this way…i can only blame myself for not getting anything started for real creatively again since ages by now…and i do so, every single given day…
maybe i just waste too much time online HERE…

post pandemic tragedy meets first world luxury problem…

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