Ricky 'Overbridge' Tinez

yeah I think it’s possible to find examples of both, really. this is why I will watch a Jexus or Retrosound video of a synth I’m considering getting; I go for some similar sounds that they highlight. but yeah if you’re after more information on how to USE something, the genre they create in doesn’t necessarily matter (sometimes it does though).

I do enjoy Ricky’s videos, even if they are a little long-winded sometimes. and he’s pretty up-front about “this will include a promotion” but he makes it easy to skip too, if you want. there’s more to gain from the video than just learning about the thing he’s promoting. the MPC 4000/Tracklib video is a good example.

I guess one good thing about all these paid promoter/reviewer/tutorial people is that there’s enough of them, you can likely find someone who’s approach, or even just personality, you can stand to listen to long enough to learn what you need to. a lot of them I absolutely cannot stand.

the only thing I really can’t stand is the kind of reviewer that is really trying to sell you their ep, album or whatever and trying to mask that under the disguise of a product reviewer… hate it hate it hate it… we all make music and we all have music to make and I don’t like my time being wasted. if I wanted to buy an ep I’d go to your Bandcamp page but when I’m trying to learn something that is not the time, it doesn’t even matter if I like the music I’m not interested… Ricky is great when it comes to that, he plays music all the time and even offers his own but it’s so secondary that he doesn’t even have to tell you, you can feel that and it never gets in the way… I really appreciate that, the product insight is always primary with him, and the bonus on top is that he doesn’t make you watch him make coffee ffs videos like that bring out my inner strangler :rofl:

I also love stimming

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you’re right though, I’ve watched lots of Ricky’s videos and I don’t even know what his music name is. his “Synthshit” link pops up for like five seconds at the end, but that’s about it.


I bought his hat. It’s a good hat!


I’d love to buy his hat but I’m in europe

Stimming is awesome. :sunglasses:


His music name is Ricky Tinez.


I believe he releases stuff under different names depending on genre. I think I’ve seen / heard “LPF” and “Breadkrumz” as other production names.

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His RA profile only mentions a duo called “velcro” besides his main one. But I recall he mentioned another one on his latest video, I just don’t remember how it was called. Ricky Tinez · Biography · Artist ⟋ RA

well I love the fact that he doesn’t try to push novation groove boxes on his audience in spite of being an employee, craps all over mpcs he doesn’t like in spite of being an mpc head, and is very critical of elektron stuff he doesn’t like in spite of being good friends with them… He always tells you about something he really doesn’t like whatever he’s reviewing but most importantly he gives good info about features without being overly technical. I couldn’t imagine being swayed by a reviewer telling people to buy this or buy that I only listen to features, capabilities and decide if the instrument has what I’m looking for, I don’t even think I know anybody who would buy something because one of the youtube reviewers said to do so, it just sounds weird to even worry about stuff like that


It is all you need but he’ll be back with something else next week. Gotta get that content.


Fair play though, I have to go to work 5 days a week too


Yeah, I like Tinez a lot. Just being cranky. Just feel it’s a bit disingenuous when YouTubers do ‘this is all you need, the one synth’ etc etc and then come along with some content about the next hype box the following week.


Yusss. I also hate Bobeats :raised_hand:t4:

Either way: SquareShare/SkillSpace win.


I think what was meant was that these three ‘slots’ to fill is all anyone really needs to make a tune. THO I would counter that with something like the OT…or MPC…THAT is all you really need.

but back to what he was saying, is that those three slots to fill are good to get by making a full track. and said NOTHING about filling and refilling those three slots with a different piece of gear of each track :wink:

so have as much shit as you can get your hands on, and throw one into one of these slots and youre good to go :slight_smile:


All you need is … this new box!



heads up…be prepared to lose that one :rofl:
I certainly won’t touch it…but…im sure it’ll get addressed at least the way im reading it :grimacing:

I think he was just being generic about the bases he would like to keep covered… he certainly wasn’t schilling I mean the tempest isn’t even close to being his first choice for drum machine

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I liked that video. It reminded me to just play & sample my synths, and to commit to those samples, rather than spending ages trying to get detailed sequences nailed, or keeping the thru machines open for infinite knob twiddling.

I guess I already have more gear than I need so the endless content conceit passed me by.

Plus: mounting a full-format synth up behind your OT like that. Crazy. I should try it with my Matriarch.