Teenage Engineering - Field Desk

There‘s a market for that…we actually spent close to a million Euros on the development of our then new office & event spaces (pre Corona) and in the end they looked EXACTLY like your description here :joy:
(I was very bothered, but our architect thought it was genius lol)

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Honestly a really good point. Pro music equipment is so much more expensive than this desk, yet it’s justified in many eyes because ‘pro’.

1073 preamp? 2K easy. Will anyone hear a difference? 99% will not.

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So the thing is, that table isn‘t much of a design, at least to my eyes. When I see it I want to roll out the wallpaper on it and start brushing the glue onto it. That said, as always, if somebody feels like spending that, cool.

A Distressor or VoxBox are specialty items made of high quality materials assembled carefully into well crafted wholes that were painstakingly conceptualised and designed in entirely unique and ingenius ways, they are worth every penny….oh wait…I see…:joy::kissing_heart:


Best review yet :slight_smile:


While diminishing returns and a sense of ‘prestige’ are certainly a thing for expensive audio equipment, I don’t think it’s a good comparison between that and this desk. At least with your $3000 dollar compressor it has a particular technical purpose and bespoke engineering to achieve a particular sound, in theory anyway.

The Field Desk on the other hand is just a table… It’s going to have precisely zero impact on anything other than your bank balance and smug sense of superiority.


Meh like Jaspar better for less cash. Definitely a hard pass for me. I am happy with the TX-6 and other products.

Sometimes you need the $3k compressor because it solves a very specific problem that you must solve. Sometimes you need the $3k compressor because the next most popular studio has a $2500 compressor, and you want clients to rent your studio and not the other one.

Desks are part of the image that an office projects, and image absolutely matters for hiring and retaining talent. Desks and the image they project also matter when a client or a potential client comes by to tour your office.

That said, the 165lb max load seems like the real deal breaker here. Put a desk in an office, and someone is going to sit on it. All you need is one large person to attempt to sit on the corner and end up with one of those spindly legs piercing their thigh to put an end to the Field Desk.


Before I pull the trigger I need to be sure I will have enough room to fit the other field products. I want to have them all


I am kidding of course (but I would say yes to OPZ field)

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pssst it’s no fun to troll if you say you are trolling… we’re all in here trolling the haterades

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Although I agree 100% at least the used value of the compressor will be tolerable.

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Teenage engineering

A few posts in

Guess the price is the name of the game


Too few holes

TE carry case rumoured to be on the horizon


Oh the design sucks it’s not that hard


“That comp is snake oil. I can’t hear the difference.”

I know I’ve said some purty toxic stuff about the field table… but TBH, I would totally get one of these if I didn’t spend all my money on expensive compressors. I just well, fell inadequate without a feild desk so my knee jerk reaction is to make jokes about it. I have to overcompensate. I’m like a bully who picks on field desks. Sad really.

In the end… anyone who’s buying this is over compensating too. Get it? Cuase it cost 1.5k… compensate… I’m leaving again.

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This design seems shaky as hell. There is no way this table is stable enough even for computer typing without wiggling from side to side.

Pretty sure anyone who spends $3000 on a compressor is exactly the kind of person who would buy this very boring, overpriced table, but go off king

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Haha, it’s a table. The whole damn thing is a cup holder.


But then they get to visit the Teenage Engineering Field Hospital. Win win.