The AR Feature Request Thread {closed}

Tracks disconnected from patterns… For example, holding track and pressing a trig would load just the track from the (trig) pattern of the same bank

Better approach for Function + Mute

Possibility to switch on playing just a single page (Page Lock?)

Quantized SCENES!

It would be cool for the SCENE to not change until the next bar or end of pattern.
I’m not lazy… . . I have so many things going at once, it would be nice to give myself some breathing room!

“Possibility to switch on playing just a single page (Page Lock?)”
@ dr-rain : Yeah! I gave this same idea somewhere, I think it would be super good!

In addition to being able to record knob movements I think it would be way more amazing to be able to record performance pressure controls too

[li]Improve Chain & Song mode. The black boxes (A4 & RYTM) have vastly reduced Song & Chain modes compared with MD & MnM. There’s no option to mute tracks or start from midway through a sequence. I can’t understand why these newer machines have less functionality than the older ones.[/li]

+1 on this! And the ability to set a different BPM on each row - to do triplet tricks, tempo modulations, etc.

I bought my AR yesterday and am very surprised to see this missing, have been using it a lot on my MD and MnM. Darn, this was the very first thing I wanted to try on the AR.

Just got mine yesterday and have had fun with it.

  1. The ability to internally sample your ‘machine’

  2. Reverse ability for any samples

Both of these would be very useful, especially if you internally sample then reverse that sample before a clap or snare trig. Adds another complete dimension. I’m sure there might be a work around with p-locking with microtiming and length of audio in the machine, but those two combos would make it easier.

Jumping to any place in a pattern, quanitized!

well, damm i havent got around to using the song mode on the A4 :astonished:
but really, they’ve crippled that even further? :confused:

so theres no way to have the same song structure in a silver and black box:sob:

they were always pretty clunky (haha) and undeveloped with the silver boxes :thinking:
but some of the tricks i use, similar to the above mentioned, on my MnM make up for limitations with the pattern mode! :wink:

add that to the non p-lockable second page parameters to my “thats shocking weak sauce” list.:-1:
no way im buying an AR and my A4 might be out the door, its good but not great like the mnm imo. :rage:

This has to be fixed at some point!

Great idea, I´d love that. Often I feel like adding transients, high/mid frequencies or sub bass to an AR synth sound (mostly in addition to the AR bass drum machines), but that´s currently not possible as sample and synth share the same filter and envelope.
Imagine there was an option to only route the sample through the filter and envelope of a voice. That would open up a whole new world of possibilities to layer synth and sample sounds - and wasn´t that the purpose of the AR in the first place anyways?

played around with the retrigs yesterday. They seem to only mute after the length is completed. I would prefer an immediate mute without having to wait the length of the retrig, but I’m not sure how other people feel about it.


Sequenser Midi Out

Global effects for all tracks

Extra LFO. Extra LFO. Extra LFO. Extra LFO. Extra LFO. Extra LFO. Extra LFO. Extra LFO. Extra LFO.Extra LFO. Extra LFO. Extra LFO.Extra LFO. Extra LFO. Extra LFO.Extra LFO. Extra LFO. Extra LFO.

really disappointed that it wasnt there already!

I love algorithmic sequencers. You get so much diversity with it. The AR only lets you shift individual tracks left and right :\ . There should def be a way to skip steps, or play forward and backward, etc. The Cirklon sequencer allows you to do this with weight probabilities on each step and different “modes”. I program that into all of my software sequencers, I just wish that the AR could do the same.

+1 on probability/weight of events happening. so powerful.

i love that function on my trigger riot. one of the few reasons i want a cirklon

I think a basic digital eq would be great… or even just a highpass filter. I find that I’m rocking something that sounds great on headphones and then plug it into a system and the bass is just over the top. I’d rather not sacrifice the use of the analog filter just to eliminate the lows!

Rocketeer - Samples can be reversed by adjusting the start and end points to be on the other side of each other (EG: Start all the way right, End all the way left)