The AR Feature Request Thread {closed}

Rocketeer - Samples can be reversed by adjusting the start and end points to be on the other side of each other (EG: Start all the way right, End all the way left)[/quote]
Oh nice! Thanks for the heads up.

Still would be neat-o to internally sample and save the track we made using a particular synth engine. ie. make a cool BD on BDHD, internally sample and save it, and use it on the sample slots of any of the tracks.

Rocketeer - Samples can be reversed by adjusting the start and end points to be on the other side of each other (EG: Start all the way right, End all the way left)[/quote]
Oh nice! Thanks for the heads up.

Still would be neat-o to internally sample and save the track we made using a particular synth engine. ie. make a cool BD on BDHD, internally sample and save it, and use it on the sample slots of any of the tracks.[/quote]
Yeah I wonder if the AR is capable of resamplingā€¦the Mk2 UW canā€¦

Rocketeer - Samples can be reversed by adjusting the start and end points to be on the other side of each other (EG: Start all the way right, End all the way left)[/quote]
Oh nice! Thanks for the heads up.

Still would be neat-o to internally sample and save the track we made using a particular synth engine. ie. make a cool BD on BDHD, internally sample and save it, and use it on the sample slots of any of the tracks.[/quote]
Theyā€™ve made it quite clear they have no intention implementing that though iā€™m afraid.
Not sure if itā€™s theoretically possibleā€¦ it has to have some sort of A to D conversion to make the reverb and delay work, but still.
To be honest I wouldnā€™t be too fussedā€¦ I can always reverse the sample in a DAW and dump it to the RYTM. Itā€™ll still accept sample transfers even if itā€™s accepting MIDI clock at the timeā€¦ they make it fairly easy to work around in that respect and really, even if it could resample internally, it probably wouldnā€™t do it with particularly good audio quality.

i dream of an at least one band EQ like i had on the MD. accessible by double clicking on the AMP button.

more often than not i wish i could bump the low freqs on syntheized kicks.

The most important feature for me would be bpm assign per pattern or song, not per project! This really is essential to me, and the lack of this feature keeps me away from buying other elektron gear.

  • MidiOut machine. !!
  • SimpleSynth machine.
  • Swing per track
  • BPM per project !!
  • Humanize
  • Copy Kits to/from other projects. !!
  • Inc. USB Transfer speed. !!
  • Track EQ
  • Line In Sample record
  • Pad sensitivity adjustment !!

I find it strange seamingly simple things still arenā€™t updated, like

  • clicking the encoders to select from lists like on the A4
  • increasing max FX volume like on the A4

And some great ideas from other early users:

  • Use trigs to mute in performance mode, so you can do performance macroā€™s and mutes at the same time
  • Use trigs to create pattern variations (fillins) in scene mode, by enabling/disabling trigs already in that track. So holding the scene pad plays a different set of trigs creating fillins
  • Basic noise/sine machines to shape your own sounds

I hope they are still on the radar. I did found out recently that when using chain+mutes button combo, the mutes kick in after the pattern finished, thatā€™s a really neat trick that I havenā€™t spotted in the manual.

ctr-all machine or at least function all
retrig live record please
scale per track
more plock count - unlimited plocks please

This has probably been mentioned already butā€¦

It would be great to be able to create separate folders within the bank of samples available in a project. This would make it easier to modulate the sample select parameter with velocity or LFO in order to create varied/organic ā€œround robinā€ style effects.

Good one!

performance/scene locking of trig parameters, so triggers and velocity can be used to totally turn notes on or off for bringing up ghost notes, rather than just turning their volume down (which creates truncated sounds).

It probably was mentioned few times already but once more.
Please make LFOā€™s assignable to different tracks like on MD. It would make AR so much better.

Please add Sound Preview when changing sounds of a track in a particular Trig. (TRIG + VOLUME KNOB) whilst the sequencer is running.

It would be nice to hit the pad of the track to preview the sound instantaneously and not have to wait for the sequencer to pass through that particular TRIG.

= Better Workflow

SO much better. Canā€™t we just get a tiny mini-update right now that does this? Iā€™ll wait for everything elseā€¦

[li]quantization strenght as a mod target for LFOs/velo/atouchmatrixes[/li]
[li]Delay parameter for the amp envelope (adds initial silence to the sounds)[/li]

A performance FILL / JUMP mode function ā€¦

  • press and hold a step to repeat that step
  • press and hold multiple steps and repeat them all
  • press and hold two steps and repeat the steps and all between

Two modes:
Jump mode - instant trigger
Loop mode - play to then loop

Realtime pattern length and time sig changes with jump mode.

Function+Chain - select range / individual steps to be repeated (Fill)

Trig buttons - pattern length / time sig of selected ā€˜Fillā€™
(similar performance as the freeze delay repeater on OT)

One idea Iā€™ve had, which would help ease using up all your scene locks.

If for example in scene one you wanted to have just a kick and a pad playing this would require you to use 10 locks to mute the rest of the tracks.

However if you had a solo button this would only require two!! As you could just solo the two tracks you want playing!!

Makes sense to me!

Iā€™m a new rytm user so there may be other ways of achieving the same thing, so please feel free to correct me!

Hello All ,

It was Realy Amazing if the AR have a Fonction for change

The 12 Pads in 12 Pad Velocity Mode !!

124 : 12 = 10.33

12 Possibility 10.33 value everytime ā€¦

at the moment itā€™s not realy Fun to PARAMETER LOCKS the volume on every step ā€¦

and the pad are new , really hard at the moment to play the perfect velocity !!

what do you think ?

There is a solo function !