The AR Feature Request Thread {closed}

Legato on/off option. It would be useful to be able to retrigger filter and/or amp from zero when choking sounds. Currently legato gives erratic envelope triggering when notes are near overlap e.g. 16 notes at 1/16 length each and swing 50%.

I would love a sample chain search. For example, If I have selected start 8 end 12, push and hold Function (or whichever button) and twist sample start, the next selection would be 13-16. This would make using chains way easier. Itā€™s probably not going to happen but it would be cool.

There is a solo function ![/quote]
Heā€™s talking about locking solo to a scene, which you cannot do.

Sometimes when Iā€™m looking for percussive inspiration, I take a random preset, deactivate the synth engine of each pad, and then activate the sample engine for each pad. Then I put a random sample on each one and press play, sometimes you can extract some great percussive grooves, purely by chance.

It would be awesome to be able to randomise the samples allocated to each pad by the touch of a button, rather than having to do each pad individually.

Say youā€™ve allocated and bunch of random samples, press play and it sounds like ass, then just press a randomise function and they all swap out for something new, then just keep going until you land on something cool.

Iā€™ve created some nice grooves just from messing around with this, and I even have a project created based purely on the sample engines for this purpose.

Edit: Just realised the ARRandomizer application does exactly what I need it to do, perfect! :slight_smile:


^ do you mean like the pressing Function + L/R arrows microtiming??

Hmm, after delving into the contest and playing around with song mode, automatically calculating total time based of the number of patterns (multiples, etcā€¦) and at respective bpm in the song edit screen might be beneficial, unless of course, itā€™s already there and iā€™m totally blind.

Hah! Yes, exactly the feature that already exists. Thatā€™s what you get from not RTFMā€¦

I would love to have aftertouch data recorded when live recording tracks - if there is not already such a function? Aftertouch is quite fun for trying to create tabla:ish sounds with the bassdrum machines

ā€œtrigger probabilityā€

I donā€™t want to use the single LFO I have to try to emulate it

I want some sort of setting on the trig page (or other logical area) where you can set the probability of triggering if the option is enabled.

Bump for 2nd LFO page request.
Waveform chains are just asking for it!

Just set up a performance mode macro with appropriate offsets for start and end and map this macro to an external controller, works like a charme. :slight_smile:

Just set up a performance mode macro with appropriate offsets for start and end and map this macro to an external controller, works like a charme. :)[/quote]
I will try and wrap my head around that. Thanks.

Really Id just like to hear more new analog machines with interesting tones, wierd percussion & noise voices.

I guess Id also like to have a start, end and separate adjustable loop point mode on the sample playback machines.


Sample Start Point > plays > Loop start point < loops > Loop end Point > plays out to samaple end on release

Great solution!

I would simply love that the samples could be set pre or post filter.

For example I can do some really nice kicks with the LP filter and would love to add a sample click. Or better yet a separate filter (digital) for the sampler so I can layer the sounds properly.

Would be nice, but it appears the physical architecture prohibits it.

I was looking at the diagram and was hoping they had a paralel circuit hidden in thereā€¦ :disappointed:

The Tempest can do that but it canā€™t load external samples.

I would love a baby between these two machines.

^------ THIS!!!

In the LFO page I would like to change the DST not only with the encoder.
Its kind of inaccurate when you try out different destinations.
A good solution would be that you should be able to step through the different destinations by using the arrow knobs as well.

I made a strange observation :
When pressing dowm the FAD encoder while rotating it in the LFO page, I see pretty often the list of DST in the display, but it disappears again.
Does anybody has the same on his machine?



Two features that i would like to have are:

  • A 2 lfo;
  • Set the sample end based on space ahead from start, this way we can set for example end 2 and by moving the start the end will be always 2 slices ahead.
