The AR Feature Request Thread {closed}

To be able to assign range of samples to a pad and another knob control that goes through them with one sample having a range size depending on how many samples are assigned to the pad. So for example if knob range is 0-100 if having 10 samples each sample will have range of 10. Click and rotate on knob would move to next sample immediately.

I know something similar can be done with creating one long multi sample and controlling start and end, but that’s a bit of a job and this approach would be great for live (with one knob control of sample change)

I would like dim or blinking LEDs to show trigs of channels that share a mute group (choke) with the channel you are currently step editing.

I wish slides were possible between retrig locks.

I wish there was an option in the setup menu for filter routing of the synth or sample voice much like the simple on/off switches for their general output.

There are more obvious things I have faith Elektron plan to address in a future update

Fascinating what some users have done with wavetable-ish sampling, thus allowing much more than 128 samples per project. alas, I tend to use other gear for this kind of detailed sampling. (OT or rather old gear… sadly a modern multi sampler in the vein of EMUs, AKAIs does not seem to arrive eventually).

+1 (once again) for more LFOs. I think this is the most wanted feature by far, besides more machines. Elektron, any hope u give us a realistic perspective on the DSP usage?
also regarding free DSP ressources, I’d really dig easy sonic enhancements: more per-track fx (in addition to overdrive, lo-fi, filter) like simple EQ, delay, reverb and some FSU.

ah, yes, another feature request that seems to be rather a personal pain point: a shortcut for track selection.
switching tracks is by far the gesture i do most often. i dont know exactly why i dont like it, probably cause i prefer a single tap. some alternatives could be interesting for some users i guess:

  • system option: have trig keys act differently in non step edit mode, choose between (1) play note (default), (2) change track, (3) mute/unmute tracks
  • arm function: double tap or long tap on function locks it. show arm state in display.

I like this. ^
Or having the pads work as track selection in non record mode.
Many of us are not going to play the pads live, unless we’re recording into the sequencer.
For weeks I keep accidentally holding Function while hitting a pad/track, rather than the Track button, and then i start editing synth parameters on the wrong synth. Trying to shake the bad habit, but hasn’t happened yet.
Another option for track selection, whatever it may be, would help me out.

^ ^ the worst part about track selection is the placement of the button (comparatively to the A4, OT, etc etc)

to this day I still find myself using the track button as a function button and wondering why it isn’t working…and I imagine that will be the case as long as I continue to use the A4 and OT heavily :slight_smile:

I would appreciate a one-button-click shortcut to change kits.
“Function +FX, then Load Kit-then Yes and then select and press Yes” is way to long.
It would be really nice to be able to switch fast and scroll to your desired kit with one button push or two, to see how your pattern sounds with different kits :slight_smile:

I would appreciate an update.

Finding the 48 lock limit in SCENE mode to be a bit limiting.
Would love to see it doubled.

best request so far :slight_smile:

I guess bumping this thread is the thing to do if you have feature requests, despite it being dormant for a while…

I’d like to pitch in two requests, which I expect have been made already.

The first is for a second LFO page - I think this would really open up the synthesis capabilities of the Rytm. I know it’s not a synthesizer, but I’ve been using the machine all weekend and this is the feature I’ve wanted most often. Two main reasons: 1) LFO control of LFO parameters, e.g. using LFO 2 to control LFO 1’s multiplier, and 2) Separate LFOs for synth and sample.

Failing that, additional routing options for the single LFO would be useful, or the ability to route an unused LFO to another track’s parameters.

The second request is for individual track speed divisions, as per the OT or Volca Keys. If I have a nice evolving ambient sound I’d like to be able to drop its track to, say, 1./4 speed to allow it more development time against the main pattern (looping in INF mode).

I guess both these features are somewhat outside the normal remit of a drum machine, but then the Rytm is more than a normal drum machine. So I don’t feel too audacious for asking.

yes individual track length multiplier is my main one i’d like to see that on the A4 as well…

I really don’t know why that hasn’t been implemented yet, it seems like a no-brainer.

-Envelope Follower for External Audio input
-More Range out of Analog Voices (introduce alternative Voice that go beyond the narrow scope)
-Trigger Output Capabilities (just Trigger not CV, to protect your octatrack) to connect to other drum machines

Sample rate reduction !

Variable pad LED intensity, or at least a night/day setting. I find the pads do my eyes in at night, and distract from listening.

More ratio options in the compressor would make it much easier to use, and more versatile.

agreed! for a drum synth, compression is key to getting them to sit right in the mix.
I’d like to see the following ratios…
1.2, 2, 3 or 3.33, 4, 6, 8, 12, 20, oo

Any hope for a way of sending a parameter to all tracks like the function + knob of the machinedrum?

sample rate reduction would be great too

I would assume it’s been mentioned, but upping the pattern length to 128 steps would be a game changer for me personally. Yes I’m aware chaining patterns, would really love it to be contained to one pattern though.

Some type of sample hangover cutoff when switching patterns.

More machines, duh.