The AR Feature Request Thread {closed}

17 pages later and over a year gone by without a single update lol.

Yeah, . . . . but Overbridge!! :disappointed:

I would like to be able to customize the color (and brightness) of both the MUTE pads, and the SELECTED TRACK pad.

This, more than anything (well, okay, tied for first with step jump bug fix).

I would love it if there was a system preference to have a muted pad make no sound when hit. Sometimes itā€™s nice to be able to program hi-hats in realtime in ā€˜silenceā€™ and then un-mute to have them play.

LFO should be digital, so here shouldnā€™t be any ā€œanalog circuitā€ limitation.
I hope that can be easily added ala A4 with the double click on LFO button.

Musical Scale options for Chromatic mode.

I havenā€™t tried this yet, but you might be able to achieve this by turning the track volume down to zero, recording your trigs, and then bringing the volume back up again.

I havenā€™t tried this yet, but you might be able to achieve this by turning the track volume down to zero, recording your trigs, and then bringing the volume back up again.[/quote]
you are right that it absolutely does work that way, but the workflow and extra steps kill it for me live. i would much rather it globally was really muted when i mute the pad as there isnā€™t any benefit to having it sound in that state (for me).

I would like to mute/unmute tracks with trig-buttons while in Performance and Scene mode. Would be really Handy for live Performance and transitions.

Less of theseā€¦

Although n update would me much appreciated, apparently itā€™s not stifling user progress much.

performance-to-scene function

when you freeze your performance at a certain point, itā€™d be nice to ā€œsaveā€ it as a scene and then move on

itā€™d be a very fluid way to build up variations/scenes


it allows you to have a pre - programmed pattern for a track, but also to mute that pattern and ā€œperformā€ on the pads manually, for fills, etc

updated hihats and cymbal sounds were also promisedā€¦please elekron, update the AR soon please !

+1 !!

[li]Increase pattern length to 128 steps.[/li]
[li]A second LFO would be great![/li]
[li]Apply swing to Retrigs[/li]
[li]Option to apply different swing amounts/setting to each track. (Although I know itā€™s easy enough to use micro timing to do this.)[/li]
[li]Individual track length multiplier[/li]

+1 !!
?? Does anyone have a link to such ā€œpromiseā€? Iā€™ve missed itā€¦ New cymbal engines would be useful for sure (but then again, any new machines would)

+100 !!

essential: make the sequencer play triplets !!