Thinking about an OP-Z Field…

it does when some apply the compressor and it doesn’t when you manually turn it completely ccw.

you‘ll hear everything that’s happening :upside_down_face:


@MichaalHell sorry to bother you, but since you’re a beta tester I’ll make sure you see this :slight_smile:
One thing that would make the OP-Z even better would be:

editable Punch In FX

I think the punch in FX are really good and the fact they transmit MIDI as well is really nice. However, when using the filter sweep effect for example, the MIDI CCs don’t translate well to the filter of others synths, because the OP-Z’s filter is a DJ style hi/lo filter and therefore different from most synths.

So if there was a place in the app where one could edit the Punch In FX, that would be truly amazing.

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ooh yes, i would love this as well.

Maybe if there was a Midi plug, where you could set encoders to either be unipolar or bipolar. And also that the LFO would transmit over midi. cause now it only transmits the data from an encoder.
As an example if the LFO is set to affect encoder 1, then that movement will be transmitted via midi. But if you apply LFO to pitch, then it won´t send that pitch data via midi.

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True, I have noticed that LFO behaviour before too.

Exactly, on the config page, there could be different punch in plugs that are slightly editable in their depth and polarity and their parameters.

Again and again, I realize how powerful the OP-Z is…and how just a few minor tweaks could make it “perfect”.
To me, it’s the best sequencer there is already though.

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Based on this language, it suggests an OPZ Field would be a bead blasted aluminium chassis.

Thanks, I think that has fixed this issue completely.

I just recorded a pretty intense track with a lot of step component and individually edited step stuff, LFO’d fx and an audio in/out using line module; normally that would involve some usb tearing sounds but this time nothing!

Working with samples, tweaking individual steps, plus an fx loop, the op-z is pretty formidable.

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Imm aluminum sheet metal like that is not gonna be any more durable then what we already have… it bends very easy and can actually break much easier then the reinforced polymer of the opz. I hope they don’t use that cheap stuff.

I’d guess they’d do a cnc unibody like the OP1 maybe? I would not buy one though, I like them but find I don’t use mine much because of the UI and size, and I don’t want to buy anything else from them now.


I’ve had op1 ( sold it ) and have lots of pocket operators gathering dust.
Unless they make something well priced AND innovative I doubt I’ll buy anything from them again. they’ve become an expensive lifestyle brand … I wish them all the success possible but not with my cash.

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I’m sceptical a field version would offer enough to justify getting one when I already have an op-z.

Plus the likely higher price would mean comparing against an MPC One, Digitakt or Syntakt, Polyend Play.

I bet it would cost way more then that… probably more around $1500+.

you can remote control the OP-Z from the Op1f

I guess it’s best to really fuse both together without a redesign of the hardware, just by OS tweaks.

by now it’s great to control different Elektron machines “remotely” with velocity….being somewhere else, controlling Synthesizers remotely has the same effect like listening to a new vinyl or lp and you actually have to move over to change anything, forces you to listen to things until they’ll inspire you.

the field, even standalone makes a lot of things obsolete and there will be a lot to drop in the near future I guess :construction_worker_man:t3::warning:

What are the chances that they will drop it at SuperBooth ?
I have a feeling something is coming. Liam Killen sold his off recently, which I was surprised - he loves the OP-Z. I wonder if he knows that Teenage Engineering is about to drop the OP-Z Field, and he wanted to get ahead of all the units that will inevitably be on Reverb.

I got an announcement that they will be there, and that they will have “fun things to share” …

:open_mouth: insider trading!? By a YouTuber?


Would def try one if released

I’d like It if they created 2 versions, the OPZ Field, identical in size but aluminium cases, and the OPZ Field Survey that has a screen and a bigger battery

They’re def up to something. May’s gonna be good.

Guess or more than guess?

The mojo lies in that its without a screen imo

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I agree, once you know how to navigate it without the screen its liberating to not have one. My issues with it were purely build quality, otherwise i’d still have one. If they DO update it though, I hope it gets more synth engines and some new features, like the ability to “zoom” into/out of your steps