Toraiz as-1

Hey, yeah I can easily follow that argument, because it just sounds so good, is nice and small, and nicely priced. It’s just a bit of a shame that this one fix would make it even better. Plus I actually really love the sequencer, it’s really fun and easy. Plus the slides are way more intuitive for me to try per step in the editor, then for example on my A4. I like creating a sequence per sound, and using it as a live tool to insert randomly picked loops in prepared sets!


Thanks again @DonovanDwyer for recommending :slight_smile:
If not for this advice, AS-1 would have passed under the radar…


Happy to help :slight_smile:


Yes, if you havent posted here about it, i would have missed that great monosynth, too! Thank you and merry christmas!


Good day to all :slight_smile:
Have been using the AS-1 regularly but have come to a point where I am going to miss channels on my Midas :slight_smile:
One of the solution would be a patch bay but before taking that route I wanted to ask the above question: what is the consensus on this?
I could go ahead and use it mono but since I am using it as a bass and lead, I was just wondering :slight_smile:
Thanks for any input, much appreciated as always.

Edit: I gather the chorus FX would not be the same

neither the delay I reckon

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I think I read somewhere that the delay is actually mono, but the effects on FX2 are stereo…I may be off here though.

So funny you started this thread, I was pondering that very decision two days ago…lol. I tried around for hours and my feeling was that it didn’t really make a big difference (going mono vs stereo), especially if decent stereo FX is applied to the signal post AS1.

I did end up going stereo through my A4 inputs lol, but mainly because I could (in terms of ins and outs). If I’d have to, I wouldn’t hesitate to run it mono.

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If a sound does not rely on fx, recording dry might make it easier later at the mixing stage.

If the effect is an integral part of the sound, you can try to recreate with ITB fx, probaply depends on how distictive the effect sounds.

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Not so sure about the delay…
Noticed a BIG difference on chorus though.

That was the intention but FX on the AS-1 are very good. I see FX as a part of the sound design. Unless the onboard FX provided on a synth are “meh” (MiniNova and Blofeld in my case) then I resort to external FX. If they are good (AS-1 and Deepmind in my case again) then I will try to work with these. After all they are part of the ID of the synth :slight_smile:

Duly noted :slight_smile:

Later on if necessary then yes I agree.
But then again, I prefer restricting myself to OTB.
Spent too many nights staring at my screen…
Have recently decided to NOT turn on my MBP.
Just using hardware synth and FX.
It has proven rewarding so far.


Another happy AS-1 owner here. Personally I feel the effects aren’t the same level of the sound of the AS-1 actually. Completely fine, because the AS-1 itself is gorgeous enough as is. But I’d personally run it via some outboard effects anyways. So mono to mixer and then send-fx is how I’d go. Or just run the AS-1 through it’s own reverb / delay (but then I’d want it to go in stereo from the reverb to the mixer haha)

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I personally think the BBD, Chorus and Distortion are on par with the synth itself.
Just bought a Audiothingies Doctor A and that will most likely suffice :slight_smile:
Thanks to all for chiming in. Much appreciated :slight_smile: :pray:


Besides the chorus, everything else that I know of sounds the same in mono. In fact I’ve been running mine into the board and recording in mono since day one.


In regards to the question of mono or stereo, I usually ran the AS-1 in stereo in the past. However, I needed to recover a stereo input on the mixer for another sound source, and decided to run the AS-1 on a mono channel. I mostly captured the dry sound from the AS-1, and used rackmount effect units connected to the mixer sends to process the sound as needed.

With that said, I tend to prefer mono synths without sound effects, and process them via dedicated effect units or pedals.

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As I said, only the chorus seems to benefit full stereo field. Working on a project right now so will have a go :slight_smile:

Interesting. Some do indeed benefit this approach though the AS-1 has a basic set of FX and I really like BBD and Chorus.
Have a couple of VST… Will send the AS:1 down that road as well :slight_smile:

Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated :pray:

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Same here. One of mine is sent to a stereo reverb for a touch of space though, because some genius decided it was the one FX the AS1 shouldn’t have :roll_eyes:


Yeah , it is quite an omission given it has a pretty good range of onboard FX

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True but I do not see it as a major issue :slight_smile:
I would prefer no reverb rather than the one implemented on the Blofeld for instance.

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true! I have been spoiled by the onboard reverb on my Elektrons (I can always run my AS-1 thru my A4 or DN) and the utterly gorgeous reverb on my Peak :slightly_smiling_face: But it’s a little surprising it doesn’t have one, and the other AS-1 FX are pretty good imo


I’ll try my AS1 through my Meris Mercury 7 today, it’s the thing I woke up with today :slight_smile: (AS1 through A4’s effects sounds gorgeous already)

But agreed, the reverb thing is an omission. when I first got the AS1 I was browsing through the FX slots back and forth, I was sure at first that I must have just missed the reverb somewhere lol.

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AS-1 through Doctor A is pretty stunning :slight_smile:
Same goes through a DD7 or even a MS70CDR (I have some really good tone drops FX, ie lush reverbs).

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