Toraiz as-1

If you own an SP-16 then it has an AS-1 track type where you can map two banks of 6 knobs to the AS-1 parameters. They’re all pre-named too, and like you say they show the actual values.

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The way I’d expect it to work, when you turn the encoder on the EC4, you will see the parameter appear on the AS-1 screen and the value changing.
@AdamJay they’re more solidly built than the other three DSI synths I have.


I just tested this with my Digitakt’s CC values and didn’t see the parameters appear on the AS-1 screen. Basically if you aren’t already on that specific parameter’s page then there’s no visual feedback to go off of.

That said I just bought a MIDI Fighter Twister off Craigslist. The LED lights combined with these customizable stickers should really open the synth up, and look pretty to boot.

Saved me from returning this for a Typhon.


nice find! I have mine pretty well memorized thanks to careful LED bar coloring schemes, but that overlay is still right up my alley. Could easily tweak the included file image to my OT’s needs. Thanks for sharing!


Good to know. I have been thinking about getting one or two EC4’s for a while. May be a big waste of money.

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I have an EC4 and love it. The amount of profiles you can create for your devices is a bit overwhelming. Once you setup one profile it becomes easy, and you can set it all up without being connected to the device, as long as you know the CCs

May I ask if you’re using NRPN with the EC4/AS1 combo? I have been a little unsatisfied with the EC4 NRPN implementation as the ranges don’t map exactly to the range values of parameters on the AS1.
Not sure which controllers can do that. What I’m really after is something like the old NI Kore where you could have 1:1 bi-directional mappings of the controller/synth parameters. For example, even showing the oscillator shape names etc.

Haven’t set up NRPN yet. Just good old fashion CC over midi.

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I should probably just do that, although I remember there being a few parameters missing cc implementation that bugged me.

all this talk about needing an additional MIDI controller for the AS-1 has really reduced my GAS for the device a lot. my wallet thanks you!

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You don’t need one, the menu is actually pretty easy to use :grinning: but it does make dialling in patches a bit quicker. There are software editors available too which work pretty well

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Kenton does a pretty good job and second hand (if you find them) they are worth it.
Fully customisable (each knob/slider can get named/function).
I have actually spent time setting up nearly all my synths, VSTi, effects and other VSTs on it and it has changed (sped up) my workflow.
Not all parameters but some synths (MiniNova, AS-1) are really benefiting it
Multiple CCs/NRPN at the same time, scene recall, CV etc…

Edit: used to have the 16 sliders version but prefer the knob one in the end (smaller and well, knobs :smiley:).


I’ve got the Control; Freak Studio, had it for years. A very handy box :+1:

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Mpc makes a great controller with the extra knobs and pads

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Yeah the onboard editor isn’t unusable, though it’s certainly not fun or conducive to muscle memory either. As someone who actually enjoys menu systems my main gripe is the lack of dedicated page buttons. With devices like the Digitakt, Micromonsta, or Typhon you can use page buttons to “jump” to a section then edit with all purpose knobs.

The AS-1 however is totally different. You have one knob that walks through EACH value of each section, left to right. This means if you want to get to the amp envelope you have to scroll through the oscillator section, mixer section and so on before you get there. Want to change oscillator 2’s shape? Scroooollll all the way back to that one page. Yes, you can fast forward a bit by holding shift, but it doesn’t help much.

It’s such an awful UI, especially for a device with zero oscillator knobs, that I’m honestly dumbfounded. I guess they figured as long as DJ’s would be able to filter sweep and play trance leads on that ridiculous keyboard it would sell like hot cakes. Maybe it has. I definitely need a controller for it though.


I’ve not had to many problems with editing on the AS-1 itself, but I think that is down to having owned a Prophet 6 before it. The sequence of parameters has much the same flow.

That said, I think they missed a trick in not going for a UI similar to the Prophet 12, with the 4 parameter knobs and page buttons. Two of the (all too few) dedicated knobs on the AS-1, LFO Freq and Clock, are all but useless. I don’t really know what they were thinking there.


Yeah, I wouldn’t disagree with that, I also think the use case they designed it for is a bit weird and I would have paid more for a version with more hands-on control and no keyboard. I guess the point I’m making is that having used it for quite a while now, I don’t need an external controller for it, but that said I do have an EC4 that I use for programming it :slight_smile:

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You can actually navigate by section (OSC, LFO, FX…) if you use the SHIFT/Parameter combination.
Not ideal but it avoids passing through each single parameter.


Oups my Bad :slight_smile:

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Just assign the slider to the oscillators, one or both. The beauty is you can set the limit (pos or neg) and it snaps back to saved setting, or you can press latch to hold the slider position.