Toraiz as-1

Did the AS1 display the values when you tweaked the EC4?

Overall, I’m happy using the soundtower editor for patch building. But having two AS1’s it gets tedious.

I’ve just got the AS-1 and I don’t mind programming it by the screen and menus, it all seems quite logical and it’s quick to get around using the shift button. What I don’t like though it the position of the knobs. I find my hand is in front of the screen while I’m trying to adjust the parameters.

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Did someone tried using a LaunchControl XL with the AS1? I am thinking about this, but not sure if that can be done, because it would always need a computer to power the LaunchControl, wouldn’t it?

Yup. He does it here with the OT, for example.

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Still feels a bit clunky. The Faderfox EC4 would need similar solution I guess?

EDIT: Checked myself, the EC4 has a MIDI I/O port, so no USB/Midihost needed inbetween. :+1:t2:

If you want control with NRPN on the cheap, an Evolution UC33e will do the trick with an AS1 as well.

EDIT: Added “NRPN” as ideally any controller used with the AS1 has that capability to access all of the AS1’s parameters.

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Korg nanoKontrol Studio too. But that needs a host again.

I ordered the EC4 now. I want to use it with my A4 mk2 and the Iridium (direct FX control…) as well.

Small footprint is important for me. LC XL is great for mixing.

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I’ve got a uc33e. Haven’t messed with the nrpn support but I seem to remember it was quite restricted.

It only shows the values moving on the AS-1 if you’re on the relevant screen in the menu, it doesn’t jump to the screen to show the value as it changes (of course, you can see the values on the EC4’s screen)


I’ve mapped my Faderfox EC4 to the Toraiz AS-1 via NRPN. So all parameters of the AS1 except all things sequencer are mapped out here. You can download the SYSEX file with the mapping below. A couple notes:

  1. My Toraiz AS-1 is set up to receive midi on Midi Channel 8. You’ll need to change the Midi channel for all controls if that is different for you.

  2. The first Group is called “Live” – this has the most important performance controls from all pages gathered on page 1 (or I should rather say: the most important controls for ME :)).

  3. The other groups are organised as follows: OSC, Amp, Filter, LFO, Modulation, FX, Arpeggiator, Slider Settings, Pressure(Aftertouch) Settings. The groups “Prog” and “Bank” can be used to set the Quick Programs in the Global Menu of the Toraiz AS1.

  4. All ON/OFF controls are CAPITALISED. All lowercase controls are parameter controls. This way you’ll know what’s what at a glance. Also, all ON/OFF controls use Acceleration Curve 3, so the switch between ON/OFF is near instant. (unfortunately the Faderfox’s “ONOF” display mode doesn’t work here, see below).

  5. Unfortunately the Faderfox’s display modes & upper/lower limits don’t match up exactly with the Toraiz AS-1 – e.g. OSCFreq1 should run a range of 0-60. However, the Faderfox’s Upper Limit of 1 translates to 127 values, so OSCFreq1 top note of C5 is reached at “465” on the Faderfox instead of “1000” - but to me that’s not a huge deal. (If anyone knows a fix for this, I’d be a taker :slight_smile: )

  6. Parameters that are bipolar (e.g. “Fine” which goes from -127 to +127 on the AS1), will null at -008 on the Faderfox, reason being the same as outlined in point 3 above.

  7. I use this preset with the EC4’s Push Mode set to “Group”, so I can switch between pages instantly.

I hope this is useful to someone.

EC4-AS1(only).syx (11.2 KB)

EDIT: Ok, revised the mapping a bit. Used midi implementation where the additional resolution of NRPN isn’t needed. Got the “ONOF” display mode to work, so applied that to all On/Off parameters. All pages on the EC4 look neater now in NUM view.


Thank you! Very Good! Very useful!

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Thank you! I didn’t know you could mix NRPN and CC mappings! I have my own EC-4/AS-1 template but this sounds better!

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Just noticed that soundtower ported the AS-1 editor to iOS: ‎TORAIZ AS-1 Editor on the App Store

I haven’t tried it yet because I’m moving towards completely controlling all parameters from Drambo (unidirectional). Once a Drambo bug is fixed I plan to release my editor. But this looks like a great editor option. Only requires iOS 9 so you could run it on an extremely old iPad.


hey - I also have an AS-1 and midi fighter twister - did you make this? Do you have the script for these parameters? Thanks!

I don’t know what you mean by script - I just went in to the MIDI Fighter editor and changed the CC value for each knob to what I wanted it to control.

A script is a digital file of your knob parameters. These are cool as you can share your knob configurations with others and vice versa.


yea - thought it would be cool to compare and share - i think you can “export” from the midi fighter app. Bummer that Midi fighter can’t do NPRN as that would allow more control

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I’m just getting around to trying this but when I try to open the file in the EC-4 editor, I get ‘Error with sysex data. Wrong download type.’ Anyone else get this to work?

Yup, me too. Can´t load the file. Wrong download type. Maybe the extension must be different for the editor, not .syx?

When i save a default setting from that webeditor, the file is 179kb big. The download file is only 11kb. Maybe the file is simply corrupt? Could you please upload it again?

I figured it out. Hausland provided a single file that can´t be uploaded via the EC4 Webeditor, but you can upload the file with a SysEx program, like the SysEx Librarian from Snoize for MacOS oder Send SX from Bome for Windows.
In order to work, the EC4 must be put into “Receive” mode.
I asked Mathias from Faderfox and he explained that to me.

Thank you Mathias, thank you Hausland!