Toraiz as-1

Pulsn, did you manage to receive data from the EC4 via SysEx Librarian? I’m trying to first of all get my data from the EC4 to the editor but as you say, the received data currently is only 11.2kb not 179kb.


Ok I solved it and my problem was that when I press send on the EC4, there’s a menu asking me to choose between “Send current” and “Send all”, and I needed to pick send all to make this work. Maybe this’ll help someone.

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Apologies for a question that certainly retraces covered ground - I’ve read this entire thread twice, and haven’t been able to pull an unambiguous answer to my exact question out of the huge amount of detailed and helpful feedback people have left over the years. I suspect my answer is in here somewhere, but I’m too thick to see it clearly. I’m close to picking up an AS-1, but I want to be certain that I understand its limitations before I buy one.

I’m planning on sequencing the AS-1 externally, from a master that doesn’t send program change messages. I’ll be using it for live (bedroom) performance that spans multiple patches. So, my intention is to change patches manually on the AS-1 directly, during ongoing MIDI sessions without stopping the master clock, in between patterns that include note-on messages for the AS-1’s channel. Would this approach be expected to work without sync issues?

There’s no sync involved if you are sending notes from another source. Sync is an issue if you change presets (and presets include sequences) while the sequencer is running

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I had no sync issues while sending prog changes or notes or CCs unless a sequence within the AS-1 was active and running.
Make sure you deactivate (in the MIDI settings) the option of start/stop. Slave no s/s if I recall well.


Thank you!

First of all, amazing work - makes programming my AS1 actually fun!

I’m somehow not getting the ‘OFF’ part of the ‘on/off’ functions to work. For example, I can switch OSC2 Low to 'ON" but then turning it OFF doesnt work. Same thing with other on/offs like FX Sync etc.

Is there some setting I’d need to configure on the EC4 or AS1? Otherwise pretty much everythings working as it should.

I picked up one of these this week. It sounds fantastic and the sequencer is a lot of fun. Programming is not the most enjoyable experience so I’ll have to get over that. I’ve found that using an analog clock in the trigger in overcomes the midi sync bug when using the sequencer (although it means I have to sync the BBD manually).

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For the AS-1 owners - I see you can set a scale mode, but how do you set the root key?

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Sure, I realize that a lot of people don’t like it for whatever reason, that’s fine, everyone can have an opinion, but man do I really love this machine. Any faults it has are instantly overshadowed by how it sounds at least for how I use it.


I feel like the AS-1 is ripe for someone to hack the firmware to fix the sync bug and maybe change the editing (turn the program knob into a parameter category selector). I would have kept mine if these were the case, it sounds amazing.

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Sync bug fix: sequence it from any Elektron. Problem solved! :slight_smile:

To me the sequencer is just a way to demo sounds as the designers intended them to be used. Nothing more.


Its true. My main problem with it was the editing. I don’t want to use a computer to edit it and you can’t even map all the parameters with CCs.

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Mmm yes analog clock in works. But (unless there’s a global setting I’ve got wrong) you seem to lose the ability to transpose the sequence on the keys.

I once used the sequencer on a track I released. I guess I was doing it wrong. :man_shrugging:


You must not have had to switch presets/patterns :slight_smile:

I was being a little tongue-in-cheek, just to say that the sync issue is easily worked around for most of us.

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I was also joking around there. Although I did use it once a track some years ago. I’ll have to listen to it and see if I remember how it was done. I was definitely aware of the pattern change shortcomings in the time I owned the AS-1.

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Definitely not dissing anyone for using this wonderful sounding synth :slight_smile: I was just hoping someday someone with more low-level hacking skills than me would read this thread and get inspired :wink:


:100:, this thing sound amazing and begs to be sequenced externally.

I ended up selling mine and just getting a prophet 6 Desktop module.

Fun fact, they have 99% exactly the same midi implantation! (I sequence both externally)