Venting : someone stole one of my sample pack to sell it as his own

Ive purchased things from this website. An OT skin that im pretty fond of and a few sample packs. Ive never used them, but now that there is this spicy hint of nefarious intent i just might have to pull them out and throw them in the mix, give my music that je ne sais quois (forgive my butchered french spelling if i did so), that… criminal element.



Yeah, it would also be good to find out if he’s the only guy behind the website and if other people who work with him know about what’s going on.

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Based on their social media following, I would guess there’s not enough traffic for it to be more that a one person operation

You mean they’d sell their work for recording it to one person, not put up their samples for sale? I guess that’s fair (ethically).

From a legal perspective, you can’t copyright a sound, copyright applies to the recording made from that sound. And when somebody plays a sample somebody else created, and creates another recording from that, that’s a violation of copyright laws.

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We’re talking exclusively ethics, in which case I can’t get a read of your position

Totally agree. However which way you look at it, if the guy’s is aim is to make money off someone else’s work and effort, and be difficult about it, then I see that as a c**ts trick in my book. I’ve bought a few stands from them, but if this is the way they operate then I won’t be buying anymore.


…i never thought, all this is a thing…but actually…it IS…
all over the place…the world is full of scammers…


Good site to know about if this stuff happens to people here and they want to go after them. Things won’t always be recorded there, but many times are, and you can scroll through the recorded timeline to see when stuff appeared. EDIT: you can also request that they make snapshots

Then check your own timeline, and now you have the “their product ended up on their site after i posted on mine” evidence.

Add the purchase history, add the conversation history etc. And go after them.

Report to their website and domain provider, go after them on their payment provider connection, sound cloud etc etc

For me this boils down to the value you added, and the profit you make from others’ creativity and work. And - which does not apply in this case - how much you hurt their business.

If somebody compensates you for making a recording they could make themselves (by renting or borrowing a machine, e.g. from you), that’s fair. The question on whether or not it is ok for them to use that recording in their works is another question.

But if you sell that recording to many people for a profit, you make that profit not from the process of recording, but in this case primarily from the thing you recorded. That’s a difference.

And just for the record, because above I mentioned hurting the business of others: when @2or3things sells samples for $5, that will not hurt Elektron’s business at all, they will sell as many M:C’s for $400 as before, maybe even more, because some people might find they actually really like the sound but want more control over it. But when somebody profits from @2or3things’ recordings, without asking or compensating them, that is a problem, because it will effectively prevent them from selling these recordings to those customers.


Yup I recorded the page of his website earlier. :slight_smile:

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And I can’t be glad enough to have found such nice ears to vent and complain too.

And you know who is an amazing guy too ? RED MEANS RECORDING

I sent him a mail to tell him that his vid was used on that dude shop and he answered in about an hour or so,he checked my proofs, then he told me exactly what he would say to that dude and did exactly it.

The matter was resolved soon after.

This community rocks. :heartpulse:


Here’s the thing though.

Selling MC factory sounds has more of an impact on Elektron than selling the MDUW free sample packs as WAV files

Because Elektron actually sells MCs but they don’t sell MDUWs anymore- and the sample packs are free on the site, but only in a MDUW compatible file format


I’d say it has a potentially more of an impact, an impact which might be beneficial to Elektron (my opinion), or negative (as you appear to think).

But selling the samples for the MDUW is also not without a potential impact, what if Elektron decides suddenly they would like to sell those samples repackaged for the OT or the DT?


I think we have a knot in our communication.

We can only go with how things are right now.

The Machinedrum has been discontinued for about 7 years, those soundpacks haven’t made an appearance in that timespan.

If Elektron believed the factory library would help sell MCs then they could have offered it on launch, which they didn’t.

Your original claim was that the creator should be given a cut of the revenue. Someone designed the factory sounds of the MC just as someone put together the sample packs of the MDUW


sample worthy… lol dude didn’t even remove the id tags from the beats he stole


I’ll throw oil in the fire here: I’d say if @cremasound is as skilled to make his sample packs than he is to apologize, i’d be sure to be striked using them.

-1000 for the ‘oops got caught, too bad, see you later’ attitude. Or how to shoot yourself in the foot.

Regarding those who bring in the conversation that hip hop would not be exist without sampling/copying, I reply that the intention matters here. Copyrighting/striking or stealing other people’s work bother me seriously when people do it with the sole intention of making money on behalf of someone. Like they spend energy not having fun to make music or trying to get something funky to be proud but just trying not to get caught. The same way they don’t put any effort when caught and throw out a poor “sorry for the confusion” after the shit storm starts to be too big to hide. Sad people, CremaCaffe good luck with your plans.


what a traumatic day it’s been. this thread is like a rollercoaster.


…but that wasn’t that :grinning:


But seriously, this thread is the unification of the forum.

With an aside of getting into theoretical applications and questioning of ethics.

Its been a blast