What was your favorite breakfast cereal as a kid?

Luck Charms
Once I got a box of Lucky Charms and the ratio was flipped. It was mostly marshmallows and less cereal. I was super excited and poured a bowl thinking it would be delicious.
It was like biting into wet chalk.

That was the last time I ate the stuff :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


The prize in a cereal box was always a source of envy for me because there was no prize in a box of bran flakes or grape nuts. I remember kids would have some awfully sharp looking toys that came out of cereal boxes though which in retrospect I think would have been a lawsuit in this era. One time I traded someone something I probably shouldn’t have for some kind of cheap pull back racer transformer toy that I think was a cereal box mail in. I also remember there being some kind of promotion where some brand was giving away poppers, the round rubber half dome things. I think a lot of poppers were confiscated at school that year.


The poppers and the sticky wall walkers were my favorite cereal prizes.


yeah how nasty did those wall walkers and sticky hands get after about 3 minutes of playtime though.

I don’t know your precise age but if you are a certain age you may also remember a fascination people had with “slime” that must have started with something like nickolodeans double dare slime pit, and then all of a sudden there was “slime” everywhere.

I don’t know how parents dealt with that twist. Anything in this world more useless than a pet rock must be having a bucket of slime as a toy.

Yeah, unfortunately every bit of dust and hair stuck to them, so the fun was short lived. The only slime I got my hands on was the kind that came in the coin operated prize dispensers. I can smell it as I think about it!

what was in that shit? the smell was like hair relaxer mixed with bleach, or perhaps bleach is wrong. perhaps ikea is the right olfactory sensation

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oh god it’s snot. someone was just laughing their ass off counting the money they made off that stuff

all the way to the bank

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this one didn’t last long did it.

A little later addition to the family.


I didn’t know they made that one too. Probably because I haven’t eaten that kind of cereal since I was about 8 years old.

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I think this one came out when I was around 8, so at my most “breakfast cereal media aware”. Cartoons and breakfast cereals are shaking hands behind the scenes at all times.

Coco Pops

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And for shits and giggles, literally, Colon Blow…

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rip hartman… what a great comedian.

I read an article that talked about how the original boo berry recipe had some dye which kids were allergic to and turned their faces bright pink so they had to change it amidst a media shitstorm, though I think that was the earliest incarnation which was before I had teeth.

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Peanut Butter Crunch then, Peanut Butter Crunch now.


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It took me a while to remember the name, I’m still a big oats fan & eat porridge most days. I’d forgotten about all the free stuff you got in cereal boxes back then!

“Tell 'em about eh honey Mummy”

Cinnamon Grahams

I actually thought kix was pretty great compared to some other less palatable choices. Berry berry kix was like entering a cheat code so I don’t really recall that being on the menu except once or twice.

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