When and how much?


although, i cant see it replacing my TR-909 & MachineDrum combo…

but that could all change by NAMM…

Studies show that people who say “I hate to be that guy” actually love being that guy, which is why they proclaim to everyone that they are, in fact, that guy.

wow,really hope you’re wrong!

Me too and it wouldn’t be the first time either :wink:

I hate to be that guy too… but I was also bang on right. (except for the sampling)

this is exactly what I wished it was and what I said I needed, but again I’ll say I really really really wished it had another row of pads and the sequencer was built into the pads.

I still wish the pads were monochromatic and I still think the pads should have been in the center of the machine and that it looks a bit off… and un-Scandinavian.

it also does not “replace” the Machinedrum but it does kick it in the face a bit…

what can I say? they totally ripped off MY idea of pads.

flips table


Love the A4, and currently running drums off a Vermona DRM1 via Maschine which so I will be very happy to ditch all that for a more compact and laptopless solution.

Great job Elektron – the hits keep on coming!

Some of these are true …
If it’s EUR280 I’d buy a RYTM over an LXR
If it’s EUR560 I’d buy a RYTM over an LXR
If it’s EUR840 I’d buy a RYTM over an LXR
If it’s EUR1120 I’d buy a RYTM over an LXR
If it’s EUR1400 I’d buy a RYTM over an LXR
If it’s EUR1680 I’d buy a RYTM over an LXR
Pricing will be interesting …

Don’t all the Elektron machines have comprehensive MIDI implementations? I know my MnM/MD/OT trio have pretty much ‘full’ MIDI control. I would be very surprised if the AR didn’t have fully MIDI control.

As a Tempest owner, this is a pretty sore point. It’s MIDI implementation is very limited and… for me at least… that means the Tempest is pretty much studio-only.

Well, the MD,MnM and OT are quite extensive regarding sequencing other machines etc, but I was under the impression the same wasn’t true for the A4, and would that carry over to this…

Some of these are true …
If it’s EUR280 I’d buy a RYTM over an LXR
If it’s EUR560 I’d buy a RYTM over an LXR
If it’s EUR840 I’d buy a RYTM over an LXR
If it’s EUR1120 I’d buy a RYTM over an LXR
If it’s EUR1400 I’d buy a RYTM over an LXR
If it’s EUR1680 I’d buy a RYTM over an LXR
Pricing will be interesting …
I was and still are ready to get a LXR it’s a very cool drum synth
waiting to see what else will be appearing at NAMM
(got the soldering iron ready)

Studies show that people who say “I hate to be that guy” actually love being that guy, which is why they proclaim to everyone that they are, in fact, that guy. [/quote]
Yeah, your studies are missing an extra layer of complexity. It goes I get annoyed when other people that do this, so I know, this sucks. But I gotta do it.

Not “It pains me to inform you that I have to out myself as a guy who does stuff like this and I hate every second of it.”

The problem with the Tempest is not so much MIDI out (although that’s an issue because it means losing a voice to control some external gear, which is…stupid) but the lack of adequate MIDI in control…you can’t sequence cutoff or other parameters by CC in an external sequencer, the sysex implmentation is undocumented and so on.

The problem with the Tempest is not so much MIDI out (although that’s an issue because it means losing a voice to control some external gear, which is…stupid) but the lack of adequate MIDI in control…you can’t sequence cutoff or other parameters by CC in an external sequencer, the sysex implmentation is undocumented and so on.[/quote]
It is almost unreal since Dave Smith is one of the forefathers of MIDI…

Studies show that people who say “I hate to be that guy” actually love being that guy, which is why they proclaim to everyone that they are, in fact, that guy. [/quote]
Yeah, your studies are missing an extra layer of complexity. It goes I get annoyed when other people that do this, so I know, this sucks. But I gotta do it.

Not “It pains me to inform you that I have to out myself as a guy who does stuff like this and I hate every second of it.”[/quote]

Damn right dude, sign me up :slight_smile:

they’ll still spend that much lol.
but yeah i hope it has 4 cv ins, the machinedrum is lonely being the only one to work with the a4’s cv sequencer. (yeah i use the a4 on my modular/ everything else that takes CV, still) probably makes sense to have CV to MIDI too.
it’d be funny if the rytm had four MIDI tracks!

This looks like it would fit perfectly in the empty spot on my table.

This just may be the machine to make me sell my OT. Price dependent of course, and will also need to see full specs.

With the state of the Canadian dollar this is not going to be pretty but if the price was/is right and the midi sequencer is as advanced as the OT’s with more tracks (I hope) then I would get more use from this as I have an A5000 and E64000 Ultra racked up next to me anyway.
That said it is probably not in the “affordable price range” camp for me.